Yusef let out a cheery laugh at his son's expense, smiling as he watched T'charrl become flustered. "Don't tell me you've never noticed her, T'charrl. You remember Tala don't you? The young girl whose mother is one of your mother's attendants, the girl with the honey hair? She's certainly taken a liking to you!" Both Yusef and Nema had a laugh at that, each man recalling their own love interests and flings of days long since passed. There was nothing wrong with having a little love in your life and T'charrl could certainly use more people in his life to help cheer him up. Unfortunately they hardly had the time for such things this visit and Tala was in another kingdom entirely, they wouldn't send for her either since it would distract from the reason they were here. "There are probably other young girls who would love to know you too, don't forget that," Yusef continued to tease with a wink, "After all you're the hero who stopped Garesh, that's what many people call you. It's no surprise you get attention even after so long." "If you get the power under control then you'll return to your original state. That's how it has always been for our kind," Nema answered as he placed a claw atop the large book, "There are records of people shifting at will, becoming giant, powerful beings and returning to normal when the battle had ended. Where you are now..." The King had to take a pause as he thought about it, stroking one of his antennae as he studied T'charrl. "I would say you're somewhere in between. You're strong enough to hold back the energy and not change entirely, but not strong enough to hide it completely. Which is good for us! You already have some command over it even if you don't realize that, we may only have to work a little to reach our goal." It wasn't only a matter of helping T'charrl to revert to his original form though, they also needed to help him learn how to shift his power at will. If he was going to keep the spirit as he insisted he would it only made sense to learn to wield it like any other weapon. If he didn't overdo it then it would take care of him in turn too, it was a symbiotic relationship. "I believe that is all we need to discuss on the matter. Now come, there's plenty of food here and we've hardly touched any, let us eat!" ---------- "No, that is not true. Yes you have the power to battle but you have the [i]capability[/i] to do almost anything you wish. A Saiyan is not merely a warrior, are we? Or if that were the case you'd not be here right now. Just as I am not simply a fighter neither are you, we are what we deem ourselves to be. Heh... Sorry," Aito apologized with a smile as he rubbed his neck, "Getting a bit philosophical there. But let's talk about Yumi for a moment, hm? You mentioned that she's said before... What has she said before exactly? Now obviously you only have to tell me as much as you're comfortable with but the more the better." Not that he didn't know, he'd been present at the reservoir and seen exactly what she thought of Viral firsthand. The fact that such a blatant display though was still missed by Viral was curious, why wasn't he aware of that? Was he pushing the idea of being loved away or was he thinking perhaps she was simply saying that to be nice? "Also, and I may just be looking too deeply into this, but in Takeshi's case wouldn't that be a compliment? If he seeks to beat you then that means he's acknowledging you're better than he is, which last I checked he doesn't exactly do openly. Perhaps it's not the most... Direct way of doing so, but its a case of someone acknowledging your ability."