[quote=@The Kid Lantern][@Burning Kitty] Guardian is one of those guilty pleasure characters of mine, but I absolutely HATE that Supergirl version [even recolored]. Just when I thought John Diggle was the only brother with a shitty helmet... they gotta throw a solid hunk of plastic on this guy. If you could find ANY pic other than that, I would much appreciate it LOL. Other than that the CS looks good.[/quote]I like Spartan and Jimmy-Guardian (the armor not Jimmy as Guardian, like it better colored). I can find a different picture but it will be there as well as Jimmy-Guardian. By the by if I add Colored to Jimmy-Guardian either before or after Jimmy would that look racist? How is this one? http://orig06.deviantart.net/6200/f/2012/272/b/e/guardian__dc_universe_online__by_macgyver75-d5g9hq7.png After an exhaustive 10 minute search I literally found no image of Guardian that I like. Also can I add the http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Guardian_Mobile to his repertoire? Just have to figure out what it can do, if anything. After an exhaustive 10 minute search I literally found only one bit of information, it was a prototype that broke early in its existence.