Hello! I'm Tinmaree and uh yeah that is my alias but you can call me whatever 'Tin' 'Mary' 'E' any form of my alias or just a nickname I really don't care!...I have social anxiety and have fleeted to role play for most of my life, I started role playing at around 10, and have continued to since! I am a musician as well as an artist (music's better than the art tbh.) Find me weird but I'm into Romance and Sci-Fi role playing anything's anything and I am very flexible when it comes to what. I will usually use *Script rp* instead of p a r a g r a p h because it just feels smoother to me. No add ons but I am not totally against the paragraph style. The characters I will usually role play as already exist so I have an image of them in my brain but probably not in yours! Feel free to ask me to draw out a character of mine or yours! I just ask you don't use me as a "machine" that makes references. I feel like it is easier to role play when you have an image of the interactions in your head so you can think of how to react in real life in that situation. But that is just me!