"You're afraid of Mary?" Since he had never really seemed to have a problem around her or Mera, she didn't realize his fear was of women in general. She took a bite of the chicken while he stumbled over his phrasing, raising a brow at it, but looked in the direction Eryn had gone as she answered him, "He promised me a guilt free meal and I've been having a hard time with that lately, and then he took my katana once we got there and threatened to melt it if I didn't cooperate. Mary's got it now and she's hiding out somewhere," she muttered, "He stills owes me the first part," she muttered as she looked around them, "So. Shall we try our hands at some of these games? At the very least we should try and enjoy our time, right?" she smirked at him, "Maybe we should turn it to a contest or something? The person to win the most prizes is the victor of the night. We can decide on a prize or something later," she waved that part of before taking another bite of the food and starting over to one of the games, watching someone else play to try and understand how the game worked. Something caught her interest though and she turned looking towards a group of guys she realized were watching her and her face turned red again and she looked back to the game, "I'm driving this skewer in to Eryn's eye socket," she growled as she angrily took another bite, though the little kids in line that heard her got very scared and scattered. She rolled her eyes, looking to see is Larel was interested in the games or not. She had to be honest that him acting that way was causing some confusing reactions in her. She didn't know whether or not that the reaction was a good one so she was worried that she was making him uncomfortable and then there was the fact that even Kaori who insisted she was tomboyish said she was cute and then that made her uncomfortable. And now the guys made her feel creeped out and she kind of wanted to stick them with the skewer to keep them from looking at her that way. Mera narrowed her eyes at the rather dramatic scene from the two of them when they saw her, "You're idiots, and I swear on my life, Kaori, you draw me in any form or fashion and I'll not only skewer you, I will burn all your work," she threatened darkly before Alari sent him on his way and she looked back to him. She put her hands on her hips, "Honestly I don't understand why appearances change anything. I'm still exactly who I was before," she said with a clear agitation, "And I had no real interest in going out there and being pushed around by people too caught up in their own worlds to pay attention to where they're walking, or children who are in too much of a hurry to get to every stand, and especially not to be gawked at by other men who can only focus on the fact that my irritating little brother decided the most appealing fashion he had involved showing skin," she huffed. It was everything she could do to focus on being angry rather than blushing at the fact she was showing more skin than she was accustomed to, "I'd rather get right to the point and do what I have to to get these damned cuffs off." Saying it so abruptly suddenly reminded her of what she was really and truly about to do. She was about to confess to him how she felt about him- something she never ever wanted to do because his attention was hard enough to bear sometimes as it was- but she needed these shackles off. She couldn't do anything properly with them on, and even if she couldn't go to face her father, she wouldn't be able to defend herself if he caught up with them and he wasn't far enough way that she was comfortable with just dealing with it for awhile longer. She stood up a bit straighter, hoping Mary hadn't try to sabotage this any to make it drag out, but she only had this one shot. Alari couldn't unlock the damned things until she spoke her heart to him and she knew he had the key. She looked at him, hoping he would just let her get it over with.