"What is this, 'beat up on Ghent hour'?" Ghent shifted uncomfortably, unable to make much room for himself. The cardboard box was pressing into his shoulder, plus the legroom in the back was practically nonexistent. "Cut me some slack!" Miles scoffed in reply. He knew better than to insult Elayra, but Ghent was free game. He had to let out his frustrations [i]somehow.[/i] "Simmer down," Miles scolded, sore and irritable after being held hostage. The wagon's roof was too low to sit comfortably, especially if one was turned backwards. "Let the girl talk." As Elayra answered the question from earlier, Miles frowned deeply, gaze downward. "Figured as much...knew it'd be bad...heard stories." He seemed far away again, resuming eye contact after Elayra mentioned the portals opening permanently. A look of desperation fell over the man. This had been his heart's desire for more years than he cared to remember. "I can get you past the cops," Miles answered earnestly, a striking contrast to the snarling lunatic he'd been before. "Can get you past 'em easy." Ghent raised an eyebrow. He didn't have a whole lot of faith in their captive. Miles' sudden mood swings made him impossible to trust. "I'll help you...and you'll help me." Miles wanted to confirm that he understood the proposal correctly. His optimism morphed into skepticism when he remembered the blade still held to his throat. "There'll be no tricks..." Ghent thumped his head against the back of the headrest. "[i]Oh for the love of[/i]...are you seriously going to go through that again?" He didn't give Miles a chance to answer before quoting the rest of the rules. "No tricks, no sudden moves," Ghent did an impersonation of the drunkard, coming close to being spot on. "We heard you the first time!" Miles squinted back at him, jaw set. For a long, dragging moment, he said nothing. Elayra's dagger was the only thing preventing him from lunging at the boy. "He won't last a day," he predicted lowly, analyzing the boy with a critical eye. "He wouldn't have lasted in Wonderland [i]before[/i] the witch took over." Ghent returned the glare. "That shows how much you know!" A pathetic comeback. He wasn't sure how to argue when he feared the words were true. Miles didn't bother responding. If time was against them, he didn't want to waste it bickering with Ghent. "Put the dagger away," he instructed as another car sped past. This time, he didn't flinch. "I'll get you past the cops."