[center] [img] http://orig02.deviantart.net/3bde/f/2014/007/3/0/blueberry_gum_by_vandione-d71bpk3.jpg[/img] [hider=Adrian Rose] Age : 16 Personality : Adrian can often come off as annoyed or bored when in a difficult situation. Despite his annoyed demeanor, he's always happy to be with friends, longing to build more meaningful relationships with his fellow students. When he becomes close to someone, he becomes very comfortable and confident around them, similarly to how he acts around his summoning, Mey'lu. He likes to engage in arguments and sees himself as a rational person, but can get very irrationally angry when people bring up particulars of his past. Abilities: He has an eye for plastic arts, seeing the world as his canvas and his canisters as his brush. He's very acrobatic and skilled in free running, but his regular fighting skills aren't beyond that of any street ruffian. He's skilled with the violin. Element: [Dark] Powers: Void Shield : [Dark] Activated spell : [Mirage] - When focused on the spell (out of active combat), Adrian can activate Mirage in order to make himself invisible and create an intangible clone of himself in his stead. Camera's cannot be fooled by this spell, but so long as the spell is active, organic life forms won't be able to see him on screens either. Summon link : [Shadowforme] - With Shadowforme, Adrian can form dark extensions from his body that can take many shapes and sizes with considerably greater strength than that of his muscles. This allows for a more versatile method of combat as well as a way to move around or leave a black mark somewhere. Gifted power : [Out of Time and Space] - Adrian's own power allows him to "blink", as it appears to a viewer. In a small blue flash, he disappears from one place and appears in another. While he's able to move vertically with this ability, there is a slowly growing radius limit for each jump that is currently 15 meters. Each time he uses this ability, he transfers into a parallel realm for a brief period of time where he can move about for a few seconds where he sees the moment he disappeared from the real world and navigates it to choose where to reappear. He makes this movement quick, giving him little time for long contemplation. While this is the extent his skill allows him at the time, it might have further implications with further refinement. History: Adrian came from a very well-off family. His bloodline seemed "blessed", as both his older brother and sister had also been gifted with the powers of summoners. The Roses were a family of weapon manufacturers in the UK, getting rich off the suffering of people abroad at first, and getting richer off the Rift War years later. The family was never, however, in the eye of the public. Cybil and Aaron, the older siblings, were privileged enough to have the gifts of the summoner and avoid going to the war altogether. The two started accompanying their parents on their business trips, sometimes functioning as a kind of intimidation tactic used to persuade rivals. As years passed, the Rose family grew richer and richer. They were prosperous enough that they wouldn't need to work another day in their lives to make sure their great grandchildren would still be taken care of like royalty. The peace in their well guarded home was broken when the father returned home with a child whose few strains of hair were a light yellow, a distinct contrast to the pitch black head of hair the rest of the Roses had, but he had his father's Eagean hazel eyes. So Adrian became the bastard of the Rose. In the coming years, he had a normal childhood, relatively to his siblings. Even with the war going on, he was able to get a proper education with other students. Still, at home, his own family looked down upon him in resentment: his father, as a source of shame, his mother, as a reminder of her husband's infidelity, and his siblings, as an unwanted guest. This life didn't last very long, due to their father's untimely passing. With no one left to show him an inkling of love, he was to be sent off to a boarding school until he could be tested for the summoner's gene. The night he learned of this, just days before the end of the war, he fled the house with as many valuables as he could carry. The first day on the road, he hailed a cab and paid for it with a historic golden coin. The second day, he tried to pawn off the rest of the stuff, but no one wanted to have anything to do with so much of what they thought to be stolen loot. Every pawn shop only took a few pieces, and for less than a fraction of the true selling price. For the following weeks, he remained on the streets, left with nothing but a useless rock that not even any of the pawn shops would buy. In his uneasy sleeps, he'd see a similar dream, in a dark plane with a grim fellow, talking. He spent the next year in an orphanage, where his belongings were confiscated. He kept stirring trouble, so he wasn't a very popular choice among the people who came to adopt a child. By the end of that year, he decided to run away again, sick of the feeling of confinement and perpetual abuse. He climbed out the window of the locked room the children slept in and crept into the attic where all of the children's stuff were put away until adoption. He located his bag and checked inside, only to find that there was nothing there. He hadn't properly looked at the flat stone he'd taken with him in the dead of night, but he knew it had to be there, and he knew he couldn't leave it behind. "Why" wasn't really a question that he thought of. He made his way down the attic stairs into the hallway. He let himself to the flow of things, finding himself walking into the kitchen. He pulled a tile up and found the stone tablet, but something seemed different. He looked at it, squinting his eyes, but before he could read what was written on it, the lights flicked on. As he recoiled in terror at the sight of the owner, he grabbed the tablet and tried to run, but was swiftly grabbed by the hair. His eyes forced themselves onto the tablet. As he muttered the words while he struggled, he blacked out. The next day he woke up with a headache and a large armored humanoid creature looming over him. He greeted the familiar figure with a faint smile. Over the next few years, he enjoyed his newly gained freedom, zipping around London, stealing whatever he needed thanks to his abilities, and painting the walls of the city with his own brand of art. He was caught a year ago and sent to Aether Bridge when they found out he was a summoner. Other: When he was on his own, he carried a violin case and a large backpack with graffiti canisters. [/hider] [img] http://img05.deviantart.net/1b58/i/2012/290/0/c/morok_by_genek-d5i2bll.jpg[/img] [hider=Mey'lu] Summoning Mantra: "Come forth from Hades' gate, to my side" Abilities : Mey uses an ability similar to Shadowforme that allows him to alter his shape, but to a much greater degree. He truly shines in his gravitational magic, some of which he shares with Adrian upon being summoned. He is able to alter the weight of those he touches to make things and people heavier or lighter. Element: [Dark] Element gift: [Gravitational Crush] - With this power, Adrian and Mey are able to conjure an shadowforme-object that can be thrown as a projectile, which then becomes a strong source of gravity for a few moments to pull in objects in a 5 meter radius, aimed to crush the target. It can only be used once per summoning. About: Despite his terrifying appearance, Mey is quite friendly to humans, often trying to imitate the way they talk [/hider] Art Credit to [url=http://genek.deviantart.com/]Genek[/url] and [url=http://vandione.deviantart.com/]Vandione[/url] [/center]