[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b]Tagress Hospital - corridor[/b] [i]"Where are you two going?"[/i] Syed froze and slowly turned his head to face the speaker, His wide, startled eyes and slight grimace making him appear increadibly guilty. Had they been rumbled already?! No it was just Selan, carrying herself as dignified as ever despite her injuries. "Selan!" he exclaimed, shifting a little on his feet. He seemed to calm himself down a little though, a still slightly forced smile spreading across his face as he looked at her with concern. "How are you feeling?" Moira's eyebrows lowered a little. Damnit, she missed wearing her boots. It was one thing to have Syed towering over her, he towered over most people. But while Selan had always been taller than her, Moira without her almost trademark heels only made the difference greater. She felt like... a dwarf or something. A dwarf among giants. Well not quite, but still among people taller than her. She [i]hated[/i] it. Whatever. "Well, we're off cheer this fucker up," Moira thumbed towards her partner once she got bored of the plesantries. The bandaging around her hands almost resembled mittens, making her thumbs look comically large. "You seen any wheelchairs hanging about? Preferrably without anybody in em?" She asked her questions with the same sort of tone that someone would use asking for directions to a post office. "Stealing a wheelchair is not how you cheer someone up! What if somebody needs it?!" Syed countered, putting his hands on his face and leaning back. Then almost immediately doubling over again as yet another wave of agony spread across his body. He could have sworn it hurt more now than it did then, which was saying something. "You kiddin'?" Moira huffed. "It's the best thing ever, you miserable bastard." "You're bonkers," he gasped, catching his breath again. "Selan, help me out here?"