[@DragonKingUk][@Prince of Seraphs] Roxy hadn't dropped her knives since she was very young. In the world she grew up in you always had your weapons or you paid the price. She knew that she hadn't simply dropped them. Someone had caused her to drop them. Which meant someone was going to pay. First she had to figure out who the responsible party was. She narrowed her eyes and looked around. She ignored the girl who she had approached. Who seemed to be more words than actions. As far as Roxy could tell the girl with the mohawk was mostly talk. She liked to sound tough but she just wanted attention. Roxy also ignored the undead thing that appeared. She didn't know if it was real or not but doubted it was a threat to her. The officials wouldn't allow them to actually hurt each other. When a second girl appeared Roxy studied her. This one was a little taller than she was, which at barely five feet wasn't all that unusual, with long black hair. This was the creator of the undead which meant she wasn't a threat or the responsible party which meant it was someone else. The question was who that person was. Roxy was confident it was only a matter of time before she found them. [color=blue]"Sorry girls you'll have to excuse me. I have a magic user to hunt."[/color]