Ollie was taken from his mental state of arguing to focus on what had just occurred. Just as a flash security had burst into the room taken his nemesis and Mr wheelchair, he didn't care too much for the wheelchair man, but Mr Quinton was starting to grow on him, as in fact, Ollie had taken a liking to annoying him while he had the chance to. Ollie was certainly going to miss that Part of Mr Quinton most of all. Suddenly jumping back into reality he looked to the new man in charge. Examining his stature his pose, trying to glean whatever information he could find from him. in his state it wasn't a lot, All he could gather was that he was, in fact, the man in charge [b]"It appears you've put us in a sticky situation."[/b] Ollie contemplated his options, the man before certainly wasn't lying, He wouldn't survive long out there without his powers. They had started to become an addiction; His shadow form gave his body a power that gave a high He could survive for a while, but he would soon get withdrawal symptoms, which as a matter of fact are not a lot of use in a combat scenario. Ollie sighed and took a step forward his hands up like he was surrendering trying not to provoke the security that was pointing a lot of weaponry in his direction. [b]"I must be going mad"[/b] He muttered to himself [b]"I will agree to join your ragtag group of super people, But Mr Clark, do inform me how you are going to [i]'partially'[/i] disable these god damn collars?"[/b]