[@Burning Kitty] You mean James-Guardian... that loser ain't no Jimmy Olsen even on his best day. And I'm pretty sure for Jimmy... it's a requirement to be shorter than Superman. That kid's like an inch or two taller than the movie Superman. The Guardian mobile is cool but I dunno how much you'll be able to get out of it. Eventually our battle will take us to Bane's island fortress in Santa Prisca. However it IS better than G riding his shield.... [img]https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/6/66303/3751569-guardians+new+52.jpg[/img] [@Metronome] Pretty sure your character was good, I'll have to give it another look for certain though. [@Nightwing95] This is still in the iCheck phase so I think you're good LOL. ~KL~