[center][h2][color=6ecff6]Drow[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/S4HsXtq.png[/img] Location [i][color=6ecff6]Dorms[/color][/i] [@Regitnui][@Aiyanna][/center] Drow had shared out most of the student dorm keys to students now, a few were left over, probably from people that hadn't arrived yet but that did not matter any more today. Drow was done with the task she was given so, time for some time off. Drow had heard something about running in the middle of the night? Speaking of which, she stepped towards the window and opened it. The soft breeze of night air felt nice to her skin, there was a soft nice signing she could hear from nearby. Drow was lost in the moment watching the people outside preparing themselves for the run while listening to the voice. The midnight running didn't really seem intresting to her when she had heard about it so she wasn't planning on going anyway. Watching might be nice but maybe there was something fun to do too? The singing stopped, Drow glanced at the nearby window. There was crying, soft emotional crying. Everyone had moments like those it couldn't be helped. Drow moved her eyes away from the window again staring blankly at the people outside while the crying softly continued. She should help shouldn't she? Drow gave a soft sigh and moved towards her door. The room was only a few doors further down the hallway and on the same ground floor. She strode past the few doors down the hallway and knocked on the one that was presumably the crying girl's door. With a blank look on her face she waited for it to be opened to try and help the girl. She didn't know how yet but she'll figure it out.