[Center][h2][color=teal]Mora Kingsly[/color][/h2] Interacting with: [@Solace] ---[/center] Mora has but a moment to get into place before Reese had flown at her. Her eyes widened in surprise as he closed the distance between the two. [Color=teal]"Oh."[/color] the word fled her lips as she felt his foot catch on hers, suddenly she felt herself shift as he closed his hand around her wrist. As the surprise begin to fade she felt her body pull away, her feet disengaged from his and found the ground beneath her. Now she needed to get her wrist from his grasp. Mora's lips pressed into a firm line, her teeth gritted as she bent her free arm and swung it at the boys neck. With their close proximity there was no way for him to dart away as Emil had. She felt his body connect with hers in a solid thud as she yanked herself backwards and free. Panting, she crouched as her subconscious argued with her instincts on what their next move should be. [B]"Come on, [i]hero[/i]. At this pace you'll be nothing but a blood stain on the field!"[/b] Schulz barked at her from behind. It was like something within her clicked to life as her mind suddenly went still. Mora charged at Reese but her earlier hesitation had given him time to readjust, as with Emil her first strike missed but he wasn't nearly as nimble. She noted the stumble in his footsteps, the slight shake in his stance as he dove out of her way. [B]"You're dead, [i]hero[/i],"[/b] Schultz mocked in the background, [b]"Power means nothing if you can't connect the shots."[/b] Beneath his criticism he was offering advice. Nodding she rushed Reese again, limbs tight beside her body as she sought to close the gap between the two. As she neared instead of lashing out as she normally would she chose feign a punch to his left. It was when he went to step back that she shot her hand out and grabbed him by his belt and pulled him forward. His moment worked against her, unfortunately, but she still managed to make him change direction as Reese stumbled forward before her. Mora swung out her leg, aiming for his mid section. As long as he was off balance and more importantly off guard for the moment she had the upper hand.