[quote=@The One] [@Ryougu] I've never understood the use for the 0th post, seems pretty useless to me. [/quote] [@Ryougu] 0th posts are editable both by GMs and Co-GMs, just like the ban list and thread settings. That's their biggest deal, they are also excellent to keep track of things. They are really very handy if you know how to use them. That's one of the many features that make me really like the work [@Mahz] is putting on the Guild these days. On an unrelated note, morals will be easy stuff for me. One of my ideas is a good guy MC from a fighting game, heavily inspired on Kyo Kusanagi. The other is a psycho from a scifi action manga, a mix of Gunslinger Girl and Aldonoah•Zero. You can easily see their morals from this description. If I go for the second one, I plan to play the Magane-like wild card, by the way.