Goosebumps formed along Alice's arms as she shuddered in her sleep. Whimpering once, she turned her head sharply to the other side, her teeth chattering together as the fever raged just beneath the surface of her skin. ------------------------------------------ As Josephine stood, Elijah followed suit, holding the door open as she entered. "I'm never going to live that down, am I?" He asked with a half cocked smile as he trailed her through the house, not realizing where she was going until she stopped dead in her tracks. "Stay in mine." Offering without a second of hesitation, until it sank in what he said. "I-I mean, I'll stay on one of the couches and you can stay in my room." Blushing and looking away, Elijah cursed his mouth. "Really, I'm not trying to get you into my bed or anything, just..." Blowing out a sigh, he reluctantly returned his gaze to Josephine's face, unsure what he was going to see there. "Yeah, I'll stay on the couch." He stated, turning on his heel and began walking back towards the front room.