[@KatherinWinter][@Blueflame] The two camp counselors weren't very intimidating in appearance, they seemed nice enough so Kaeden had no idea what the boy meant when he called them 'a little strange'.... until they spoke. [b][color=a187be]"Welcome. Now that you are both here we will show you your cabin. You are both in squirrel cabin. It's not far from here."[/color][/b] Kaeden got a chill up his spine when they both spoke in unison. Is it too late to back out of this? [i][color=a187be]'...Squirrel cabin? Other new arrival? I'm being paired with somebody?'[/color][/i] He lowered his hands to his sides, arms getting sore from the makeshift barrier he was making. No use trying to keep from knowing the others; he was planted firmly in this little program now. He glanced over to a table just behind the counselors to who he assumed to be the other new arrival they were talking about. He was noticeably wearing a lot of blue and dark colours. His heart began racing. Should he say hello? Does this guy even wanna talk to him? What if he's an asshole? How long will they be stuck together? Kaeden's face deadpanned trying not to make any eye contact with the other boy. Maybe he could go about this whole thing without the guy knowing he even exists. He'll just sleep outside the cabin... yeah... [i][color=a187be]'That will totally work...'[/color][/i] Kaeden mentally sobbed over his predicament, tail drooping behind him, knowing his all white attire and appearance makes him stand out like a sore thumb.