[center][h2][b][u][color=0054a6]The PRT Building[/color][/u][/b][/h2][/center][center][@Eklispe][/center] [color=8882be]"I-I can't really explain it."[/color] Ruben kept watching the film as the shadows became more prevalent with time, although the shadows only were able to tell about a second into the future. It was really weird watching the fight at this point, to be perfectly honest. [color=8882be]"I can tell what the fighters are going to do... before they do it... I think. Like a right hook now."[/color] As if seemingly on cue, Ruben finished saying the word 'now' as a right hook was thrown. It was really trippy for Ruben to watch this, and it gave him a slight headache at first. It was either that or he was remembering something in some kind of bulk.