Finally done! I hope you guys like him! [hider=Toboe] Name: Toboe Otonashi Appearance: [img][/img] Toboe is relatively tall, standing at about 5' 10", he has a thin, lanky, build, made up of long, awkward limbs. His hair is about chest length and black, usually tied up in a high pony tail. His bangs are made up of two parts, the forehead length pieces that sweep to the right, and the nearly shoulder length strands that frame his face. His eyes are dark as well. His skin is fair in color and far from unblemished. He's at the school for four years, seen his fair share of battles, and has the scars to prove it. Nearly a dozen scars mar his frame, spanning arms, legs, and torso alike. Two slash marks are on each of his forearms, if he lifts them up you can see that they allign, from throwing his arms up to protect his face. An inch long line on his right side that has a matching mark on it left, from being impaled on a blade. Burn scarring across his shoulder blades from a nasty fight with an Electricity elemental student. Three slash marks, one on the right side of his chest, one across his lower back, the last on his right calf. Finally one more slash mark near his left Temple, hidden by his hair. He likes wearing monochrome colored clothing, mixing together whites, blacks, and grays. He rarely wears anything colorful. No matter what outfit he wears, he always has on a brown leather cord necklace with a simple, silver, ring on it. Age: 17 Personality: Toboe is quiet and little bit shy. He prefers the company of a good book to a person. But he isn't rude, he'll talk back if you talk first. The only person he seems comfortable enough around to talk to is his summon. He's stubborn to a fault and capable of enduring great amounts of pain and suffering. He's calm and level headed, able to let insults slide right off as if they didn't happen. He's surprisingly tough and sturdy in both mind and body. He has a nearly endless supply of patience, but it can be worn thin, and if it is, watch out. You know what they say about the quiet ones. He has a bit of a sadistic side, but rather than getting pleasure out of other people's pain, he's fascinated by people's reactions to it. Abilities: Toboe has incedible knowledge of the human body. He knows where all the pressure points, nerves bundles, and weak spots are. He has great accuracy when it comes to throwing things, or launching Ice Needles as it were. He's been in ballet his entire life, thus has all the skills from that. He's graceful, limber, flexible, and has a surprising amount of strength in his awkwardly long limbs. He also has some skill in archery and horseback riding. And combining the two to shoot from atop a horse. Element: Ice Powers: [list] [*] Void Shield, Ice Elemental. [*] Magic Circle, Toboe creates a magic circle which extends around him for a few feet. Anybody who steps into it will find that magic such as their Void Shield takes less energy. Considering the energy drain Toboe gets from maintaining Shiva's full form, it's a spell that he uses a lot. [*] Ice Needles, Toboe freezes the molecules of water in the air, turning them into frozen projectiles. Not the most powerful attack, but with some accuracy can do some serious harm, imagining having one driven into a nerve bundle, or perhaps your eye. [*] [/list] History: Toboe was born and raised in Kyoto, Japan, the only child of a couple that had been told they would never be able to conceive. Turns out it was true, they tried several times to have a child, but each time Toboe's mother got pregnant, she miscarriaged. But a close family friend was willing to be the surrogate mother. Thus, the boy they refer to as their miracle child was born. Toboe was spoiled, that was for sure, but was never really a brat because of it. Mainly because he never asked for much. When he was six, he saw some dancers on TV, immediately fell in love. He asked his parents if he could take dance lessons, and they said yes. Over the course of the next few years, Toboe took classes in multiple styles of dance, but the one that he really loved was ballet. So that's what he decided to focus on. Sure he was bullied because of it, but he didn't care, it was what he loved. When he turned thirteen, two major changes in his life took place. The first was that he started learning pointe, which was usually only for girls, but because he expressed so much interest in learning it, he was allowed to the join the class. The second was that it was discovered he had the Summoner Gene. Suddenly his dreams of becoming a professional dancer were crushed, and it devistated him. He was shipped off to Aether Academy, as was at least glad to learn that they could leave the school. He still took dance classes, and even pointe, on Saturdays and any other afternoon he had off. But, he was still depressed. He had been forced away from his parents, his dreams of dancing for a living were crushed, and he was completely alone. Well, there was one person there for him. Shiva. The day he got to the school he found his tablet and said the words on it, half hoping to get something powerful that could wipe the place out and let him go home. When everyone saw what was summoned, he was laughed at. But he didn't care, there was an instant kinship between the two of them. As his years at the school went by, he focused more on his dancing than anything else, as if rebelling against the people who had forced him into this school in the first place, he brought it out in everything he did. He looked like the dancer he was during combat, and was quite good because of it. It's still very clear that he doesn't want to spend his life fighting, but it's something that he's gotten good at. And he sometimes hates himself for it. Other: Toboe's goal is to still become a professional dancer, all he has to do is figure out how to get away from all this summon stuff. Though he wouldn't trade Shiva for anything. [/hider] [hider=Shiva] Name: Shiva Appearance: [img][/img] The being known as Queen of Ice to the other summons, isn't Toboe's summon, that's her mother. This one is actually the next generation of Shiva. Right now, this Shiva is young, and has yet to grow into her full strength. She can switch between two sizes at the moment. The first is her normal size, which is about the same as a cat. Her second size is that of a full grown woman, standing at roughly five foot seven, she can only grow to this size by drawing on power from her summoner. So it is only used in battle. That size is what she will eventually be when fully grown. Summoning Mantra: Queen of Ice, lend me your strength, and I will share mine. Abilities: Shiva is mostly a magic user in battle. She's quick and agile, hard to hit but can't dish out a lot of physical attacks herself. Element: Ice Element gift: Like with many ice summons, Shiva gives Toboe the ability to safely lower his core temperature, and freeze water through touch. She also gives him the ability to withstand the cold, which can prevent frostbite and hypothermia almost completely. About: Shiva is the Queen of Ice, a legendary summon that is supposedly the leader of the other ice summons. That is her mother, this Shiva is the still young as far as summons go, and quite weak. When the summon was read for Shiva, and the Queen of Ice saw that it was a child, she thought it best to send her own child instead of going herself. That way the two could have a chance to grow together. Because of this, Shiva is a little more talkative that the usual Ice summon. But only to Toboe, if there are other people around, she'll whisper in his ear. Other: When in her normal size, Shiva likes to sit on Toboe's shoulder to travel around. It's easier than trying to walk everywhere when you're that small. [/hider]