[color=ed1c24]"Alright, another skeleton. Everyone, don't go anywhere until we can make sure we don't end up like they did."[/color] Ash comes up from behind, putting a hand on each of the women's shoulders. [color=6ecff6]"I dunno, maybe it just couldn't get past the door, 'an died of dehydration. That diary above did say somethin' about followin' someone in somewhere, but how did this fella get down here in the first place? Multiple daggers?"[/color] Lucy offered, scanning the room for danger. Most of her attention was focused on the floor, looking for pressure plates. [color=6ecff6]"But yeah, I see what you're sayin', Winnie. Somethin' fishy 'bout this place."[/color] Ash looks around the antechamber mainly for runes carved into the walls, floor or ceiling, realizing that any moving parts would most likely activate based on the dagger beaming magic to them. Or whatever was happening. She had enough of an idea to know what to look for, and didn't much care beyond that anyways.