Well, here's my CS. [hider=Clara Witherfield] [Center][Img]http://i.imgur.com/G8SQnOc.jpg[/Img] [/Center] [b]Name:[/b] Clara Witherfield [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Personality:[/b] Calm, collected, and serious, Clara was the model of a polite child outside of combat. However, once she entered a fight, she wouldn't hesitate to unleash her powers onto the enemy. When angry, she would show it by her glare. She believed that holding your anger inside instead of releasing it would make you strong. She knew what she wanted and she would not hesitate to obtain that goal. However, this didn't mean that she would do anything she could to reach it as she had her own moral compass that she would not betray. [b]Plot Summary of Original content:[/b] Genre= Action, Fantasy On the late 19th century, a comet passed above the skies of Earth. Little did the people know that it weakened the boundary between worlds, allowing magic to seep into Earth, awakening magical capabilities of certain magic-capable people. Soon after, sightings of monsters turned common in various parts of the world, as creatures from another world came to Earth as the crack got bigger. And one orphan servant in London ended up battling those creatures as she was one of those who had awakened her magical abilities. [b]Backstory:[/b] Soon after, strange-looking humans with elven ears appeared out of nowhere as well, wielding powerful magic as they declared war on the various nations on Earth. They came from the elven empire from the other world, ordered by their Queen to take over Earth. In the end, she managed to repel their invasion and met with the Queen herself. After a long and terrible battle, she managed to triumph. However, instead of returning to the real world, she decided to stay there and became the new queen of the elves, with the blessing of the old as she was glad a wonderful mage like her ended up beating her. Someone also had to close the portal from the other side after all. If not, the nations of the world would get their hands on the many advanced magitech the empire had and it would spell doom and chaos for the real world. Another reason was that she ended up liking the fantastical world more than the real Earth, and now she was free to rule and shape it as she wished to. [b]Weapons, Powers & Abilities:[/b] She carried with her a medium-length blade coated with darkness named "Midnight Star". The blade glowed with an eerie purple, and anyone who was wounded with it would feel fear and terror seep into their heart, terror against its user. She could manifest and dismiss the blade at will. Her innate abilities would be flying and turning herself into a cloud of darkness momentarily. The cloud would feel cold to the skin. Her transformation to the cloud has no time limit, but she couldn't use her sword attacks or spells while in said form. Her offense ability is basically limited to entering someone's lungs and choking them to death, but of course, she could only use it against normal people. She is immune to physical attacks but she can still be harmed by magic. The ability is mostly for surveillance and retreat, as she could just fit herself into the little nooks and crannies. Also easy evasion against physical attacks if she's overwhelmed. However, it took her around one second to turn into said cloud and one minute of full concentration to turn back. Her spells would be: 1. Blessing of the Midnight Star = She summoned a rain of purple blades towards her enemy, same color as her sword and with the same effect. 2. Protection of the Midnight Star = She summoned a barrier of purple darkness, protecting her from most attacks. However, she couldn't attack herself while the barrier was still up, so she would need to create a hole in the barrier every time she wanted to launch and attack. She could also cast the spell at others. 3. Fell Wind of the Death Goddess = Her ultimate attack. She would conjure a dark tornado that would rip apart the souls of anyone that stood in its gust. She could control which souls would be destroyed however, as well as making the tornado merely a light, chill breeze that wouldn't do any damage to its surroundings, making her not having to worry about collateral damage. The weaker the wind however, the weaker the effect. [hr] [b]Author:[/b] Chiba [b]Real Name:[/b] Mamoru Chiba [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [/hider]