[h1][center][color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Outside Retribution[/center][hr] Daphne enjoyed the idea of being on a planet where their wasn't someone who probably was trying to kill you. Sure, there probably were some Alliance personnel on the planet, and knowing their recent string of good fortune would probably run into them, it was nothing like Whitefall which was practically in the middle of nowhere. The idea with being with civilization just made her smile. She was pretty sure that she should be back helping out on the ship, but she couldn't really think of what she could possibly do without getting in the way. She looked back at the Alliance ship that they had landed in. She figured that a few members of the crew were going to stick around, but to be honest she kind of wished that Harper was leaving. The idea of not being the main pilot, of being shuffled off to mainly pulling the night watch was annoying. She at least understood the decision behind it, Harper was older and probably more experienced as a pilot, but it didn't make her feel any better. Daphne was never going to be able to get used to the idea of working with him, but unfortunately luck declared that she was going to have to live with it, whether she wanted to or not.