[i]Well…That happened.[/i] Viewing the world through the enhanced perception of time gifted to him by the increase in neurosynaptic electrical impulses flowing through his body at an exponential rate, Mazono watched with interest as the stream of electricity was snuffed out by the mass. The rolling pitch managed to stop the heavy flow of electrons rapidly, yet when the bolt had struck there was no illumination. Curious. The mass began to roil and bend its form before him, imitating life in all aspects as if trying to intimidate. Mitsu’s own mass of black continued to propagate as the seconds passed, nearly reaching its mass limit. Curious thoughts ran through his sped up mind, even as impending danger threatened an apparent blind spot. Yet his concern seemed lacking as the frozen bloodcicle as it were sped it's path towards Mitsu with threatening speed. Yet, the moment it entered within thirty-feet of his person; The makeshift weapon was assailed by bolt after bolt of intense electricity struck at the projectile as an automated response to any objects that penetrated his defensive field. Intense arc-flashes of unyielding heat and power would errupt at the pinnacle of each strike - potentially melting the icy impaler. The ambient ping of bio-electricity accurately discerning the object due to its heavily ionized form (From entering the field). Yet, that wasn't the only function of his ever-present barrier. The black mass before him that had been propagating since his entrance erected in-front of the intended strike-zone forming a solid metal wall rated in density to that beyond the plating of several AR550 defensive Steel plates overlayed on top of one another. Even if the projectile could survive the intense explosions of electrical discharge assailing it, the subconscious defense of the Iron Sand supplemented his Thunder Dome brilliantly and would easily stop anything short of his own Railguns. The iron sand wall would - upon impact with the projectile or (incase the object was indeed dispatched by the field) the start of physical movement - return to its original sand like state. Rotating his hips to shift his stance to target where the object had come from squeezing the trigger of the outstretched Ratifier, the man in white released - in quick unison - two VERTBRINIUM rounds towards the large mass of shadow - the shots arcing as he turned to face the entry point of where the unseen attack had originated from upon impact with his field. The trick-fire capability of his handgun caused the uniquely potent rounds to surge forward at incredible speeds, influenced by Mazono's own electrical current flowing from his hand into the weapon's rails. Each round would impact at a position slightly askew of one another, adding to the release of force. The specialized rounds would impact against the mass, rotating and burrowing as swiftly as they could. These physical rounds would slam into the apparition with 5.0 Mega-joules of force, equally distributed bye the round's unique design. Mazono watched in his unique perception of time as the rounds - moving almost faster than he could track - traveled towards their intended target, interested to see how the mass held up to his two-shots. Not many things could withstand the full-force of his Ratifier's, and fewer still had been capable of dealing with the two-shot setup unique to his weapon. Black dust began to rise absently within the interior of the defensive shell encapsulating Vertex's Lightning Emperor. The iron sand particulates continued to rise as if suspended by the heavy ionization filling the air; The defensive field causing the coppery burning smell to fill the chamber - as if a storm was brewing. Red sparks danced along the granules as the heat within the room began to intensify. Beneath the well placed fedora were two serpent like spheres sparking with electricity, a reddish hue slowly replacing the gold as a hum filled the air (think a power station or electric lines). [i] Since it likes to eat Lightning, let's see how it deals with the big guy.[/i] A surge of electricity flowed through the large metallic apparatus strapped to his right arm. It's large bulky frame ran up the length of the arm up to the elbow, a strange device that almost gave the appearance of an old-time buckler. A whirring of mechanisms as the unique object began to power-up. The tension coil enhanced legs took up a firm bracing position - spring loaded and ready at a moment's notice. The only thing that was left to do...was watch and learn. ooc: Edit made to the word "errupted" changed to "Erected".