there's a reason the horizontal rule thing isn't working, [@Mag Lev] & [@CyanideSweetie]... it has a space inside the [] tags around hr. Also, [@mahz] the hr tag overrides [code][code][/code] tags. As you can see here by viewing raw code of the below horizontal line: [code][hr][/code] in the bottom list one of the bullet points has [code][*[/code] instead of [code][*][/code] Also, to fix the image in your post, replace [code][img]… [/img] with [code][img]http:// pre03 .deviantart .net/f9c7/th/pre/i/2016/312/2/e/no__75_by_cristinagaftonart-danr1u1.jpg[/img][/code] Just remember that when you copy the above URL to remove the three extra spaces we put in there. (after // and before two of the . dots) We put them there to trick [@Mahz] far too active URL parser. It doesn't understand that it should not parse URLs inside [code][code][/code] tags, which can be really annoying when providing help to people. As a side note, we'd recommend using a few internal [code][hider][/hider][/code] tags to make browsing the sheet quicker. Especially on the image, as that's a large one to scroll past. But that's just a "ease of reading" recommendation, not anything that is broken. This sheet really had some impressive use of BB Code to make it stand out and not merely be white on gray text. The preview button is also supposed to tell you when there are errors in a post's BB Code.