Erjak smiled, even though combat was probably unlikely at this point, he still kept his axe ready, orcs weren't exactly known for their patience and what he was about to propose was something that could be misinterpreted as treason by less reasonable orc. Upon hearing that Gorman had not heard of him, he shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe I'm only known in my home area..." he shook his head however and got to the point. "I understand that you may hate other species and to be truthful, I don't care about most other species either, not even orcs like me and you, however-" he took a deep breath and made sure to choose his words carefully "- if we capture any elf in the future, I want them to translate an elven book I have from a deceased elven friend of mine." he realized as soon as he said the words that Gorman might react badly to those words, however, he was not about to betray her memory by speaking of her as a slave. "And another thing, though you may have been assigned as my commander, I listen only to the orders of those I respect, but since I do not know you at all-" he stopped and analyzed the man before him and continued to speak. "- I need to know what you think of both orcs and other species as well... though this inquiry may have already been answered." he looked on the Gorman and waited for his response, still alert in case combat was about to break out, Gorman was a bit bigger than him, so he needed to be very careful.