[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLjBiYThmZS5RMjl1Ym05eUlFaHZiR3hwYm1kemQyOXlkR2csLjAA/anydore.regular.png[/img] [color=deepskyblue]Location: Butt-Fuck Nowhere -> Hell? Looks like Hell![/color] [color=deepskyblue]Interacting with: | [color=#007299]Mommy Dearest[/color] | [color=orchid]Maggie[/color] | [color=MediumVioletRed][b]Some Rando Who Was Chilling In His Cabin[/b][/color] [@Dirty Pretty Lies] |[/color] [b][url=http://www.polyvore.com/jakes_outfit/set?id=202116202][color=deepskyblue]Connor's Outfit[/color][/url][/b] [hr][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/18e916aac4fe1b62689cb23f417c5474/tumblr_inline_mksc9tmLZs1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][/center] Connor Hollingsworth had been in California for a total of twelve hours, and he was quite certain that he hated it, and very passionately so. He and his mother had arrived late the previous evening, stayed in a hotel that Connor suspected was the last bit of luxury he'd be getting this summer, and then woken up early in the morning to drive to the bus pickup location. See, his mother didn't care quite enough to drive him to the actual camp, just enough to bring him to the bus. The drive to the bus stop had been rather...unpleasant, to say the least. [color=deepskyblue][b]"I just think it's funny that Andy can send his fucking kid off to some conversion therapy camp, but he doesn't have the balls to see him off!"[/b][/color] Connor had shouted at his mother, sitting across from her in a long black limo that had picked them up that morning at the hotel. His mother had pursed her lips and steeled her icy gaze on her son. [color=#007299][b]"This isn't a conversion therapy camp Connor. Your [i]father[/i] doesn't care about this phase you insist on going through,"[/b][/color] his mother said, the cold anger clear in her tone. She hated it when Connor called his dad Andy. [color=deepskyblue][b]"First, it's not a phase, but I'll let that one slide because I don't feel the need to explain the subtle nuances of where I like to put my dick to you,"[/b][/color] [color=#007299][b]"Connor!"[/b][/color] [color=deepskyblue][b]"And second, I'd argue that Andy cares very much about my 'phase' as you call it, because he didn't ever seem to have a problem with me drinking my liver into submission until I just so happened to start screwing guys!"[/b][/color] Connor's words hung in the air. The tension was thick. A knife wouldn't be able to penetrate the air in that limo. After what seemed like an eternity, but was really only a few moments, the driver came around and opened the door. The limo had stopped amidst their shouting, and they hadn't even noticed. Connor got out of the car, yanking his bag out with him, and slamming the limo door shut behind him. Instead of a goodbye, he offered his mother his middle finger as the limo sped away. [i]Click![/i] Connor whirled around, his gaze landing on a girl, pretty with dark brown hair, and a camera held up to her face. She lowered the camera and fixed him with a stare that pierced right through him. [color=orchid][b]"Sorry, I was just...you just seemed really upset...well y'know emotions..."[/b][/color] The girl's sentence trailed off as Connor rolled his eyes. [color=deepskyblue][b]"Just keep the camera out of my face Annie Liebowitz,"[/b][/color] he said, before stalking away. The limo had dropped him off in a dirt clearing on the edge of a forest, filled with more kids than he cared to ever see or meet. This seemed to be the last stop for the bus, which was designed to take the kids who couldn't get a ride all the way to the camp, aka Hell. After a twenty minute wait, the garish yellow bus pulled into the clearing, kicking up more dirt than Connor had ever seen in his seventeen privileged years. Grimacing, he hauled his bag to the back of the bus, where he sat with a book in hand for the duration of the drive to the camp, a scowl on his face that kept everyone else on the bus from bothering him. When the bus lurched to a stop, Connor looked up from his book, The Great Gatsby, and looked around. After a few minutes the kids were let off the vehicle, and gathered in front of the camp. The counselors, or the people that Connor could only guess were the counselors, were standing there, waiting for them like the jury waits for the defendant. While the other kids mingled, Connor stayed silent, refusing to interact with his fellow inmates. Finally, some lady who he figured was in charge here, showed up and started handing out envelopes with cabin assignments. He was in the Hearts suit, whatever the hell that meant. He looked around for a place to go, and decided to simply walk onto the grounds. A few kids had already started, and even if it was against the rules or something, Connor wasn't scared. What were they going to do, send him home? Connor followed some signs to his cabin, the Jack of Hearts to be exact, and waltzed on in, only to find that it was already occupied, by some random girl reading a gossip magazine. [color=deepskyblue][b]"Hey, Little Miss TigerBeat, you're in my cabin,"[/b][/color] Connor said, giving the girl a once over and letting a small smirk creep onto his face, still blissfully unaware that he'd be sharing his cabin with not one, but two other people.