[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/303645471333810177/321534524594847747/58a05e5162bfff3328cfcc7df52fcaca.png[/img][/center] Feeling a bit down in the dumps having gone completely unnoticed the whole time he had tailed the Undead-Nightmarish trio since they were all going to do the same job anyways, Magnus was just trying his best not to feel the holes being stared into him from the Port's inhabitants. The port air while refreshing carried a bit of an unfamiliar stench to him what with the salt from the sea, but he couldn't help but appreciate the feeling of the breeze blowing at his head. It was nice to feel a wind that wasn't frigid. While the port was definitely monster friendly, it almost felt...uh...too friendly. Girls kept whispering to each other upon seeing him, and he's pretty sure that quite a number of human inhabitants were surprised at the existence of a male monster. That and a Minotaur...as far as he could tell from some of the old books that were so dang dusty that he got allergies for weeks opening, male Minotaurs in the past were...violent. Dangerous. And also went around naked. He really didn't want to be associated with that kind of image, and as such, had made sure to wear that special red loincloth...though for some reason some people were still staring at it. Was...was it weird for a Minotaur to NOT be naked? Regardless, Magnus' attention was quickly grabbed by the voice of an unknown man who seemed to know his name. Curious, Magnus turned around to face him, blinking a few times before pointing his right index finger up at himself. [color=FF5353][b]"You know me? And...hey wait, you look like Neil. AND you're the client?"[/b][/color] he asked, wondering if he was Neil's brother or something. [color=FF5353][b]"Wait...how did you know my name already? P-Please don't tell me we've met before...ahh, sorry if I forgot your name Father."[/b][/color] Stooping down a bit, Magnus gave a respectful bow. Any lower and he'd have to headbutt the priest. Looking back to his "traveling companions", he wondered if they had taken notice. Or rather, he hoped that they'd have made up at this point. [color=FF5353][b]"Oh yes, your request was to talk about your quest, right? Why not just post up what you need done for the quest...if you don't mind my asking so? I understand if its a secret. Oh wait but we need everyone listening..."[/b][/color] he continued, really hoping that everyone could just get along...especially since a super nice priest man was here. Thinking that this...might take a while, he opted for some small talk. [color=FF5353][b]"Your um...church is very nice. Very big."[/b][/color] he commented, hoping that he wasn't mistaken in that being the church...could you blame him? It was as big as a castle! Kinda.