[hider=Ava Brie Mossos][color=silver][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/eEnxDaR.png[/img] [color=mediumturquoise]Ava Brie Mossos[/color] • [color=mediumturquoise]18[/color] • [color=mediumturquoise]College Student[/color] • [color=mediumturquoise]Willa Holland[/color] [/center] [color=mediumturquoise]A p p e a r a n c e [/color] [indent]Ava’s one of those girls that can look beautiful without actually trying. Be it wearing one of her many elegant dresses or simply dressing in casual, skater-esque gear, Ava Brie can work any outfit. This is due to her slender form and good genes - the genes of DiVale-Mossos. Tanned skin with a hint of olive shades and azure mixed in with hazel green, there is hardly any error of her creation. Ava is, quite simply, a remarkable young woman with features that set her apart from her siblings. This is thanks in part to being the only daughter and getting most of her looks from her mother. It also helps that her shade of brown, which seems to hold a lighter shade of brown along with her father’s near-black color, allows her an extra layer of beauty. Ava is average of height for her age - weight too. Her body is slender and has small amounts of lean muscles. This comes from her keeping up with her diet(on her mother’s behest). She also keeps up with her exercise regime from a personal trainer that works exclusively with her family. He travels with them, so he’s always there whenever they need him. Through that, she keeps her body toned but prefers not to appear overtly muscular. It’s not only because she can’t commit to the “advanced” training, but she has seen women who go through that and simply doesn’t like it. Her fashion sense is spread throughout. There have been times where Ava’s been known to wear elegant dresses that would make Fashion Week models jealous and also times where they would probably just scoff at how horribly she was dressed. Of course, that comes in the form of her more casual wear. Sometimes raggedy shirts paired with pants with holes in them and sometimes she would just look like another edgy teenager(yes even the Upper Class goes through those stages). Frankly, Ava is a unique girl with a fashion sense that’s just as. It’s definitely varied and explaining it in great detail would take too long. Just know that whatever you catch her in, she’ll doubtless kill it every time.[/indent] [color=mediumturquoise]P e r s o n a l i t y[/color] [indent]Prior to her “teenage rebellion”, Ava, like most girls at that age, displayed mannerisms of a well-mannered girl. She was prim, proper, and practically a perfectly-raised daughter, sister, and friend. Following the cliches, she was courteous and kind to those she cares for. She was polite and knew when and when not to speak. More or less the basics of what you’d expect from someone raised in high class. However, somewhere down the line, something happened to change her. No one knows exactly what it was, but one thing was for sure: Ava was never the same girl again. Throughout the past couple of years, while she still does try to keep up certain aspects of her preteen self, Ava has been displaying certain mannerisms that give the impression that she cares less about public and private perception. Her snide remarks have been more frequent. Her sass is more direct than it was in the past. And her sarcasm - well, let’s just say that it’s unmatched. Ava’s attitude towards everything tends to be followed by some form of attitude. One wouldn’t say it’s sass per-se, but it’s definitely a close relative to it. Witty a lot of the times and always having something to say, Ava is definitely someone you wouldn’t want to voice her opinion of you. Regardless how you might feel about her — whether you hate or love her — Ava’s opinions are brutally honest and often hurtful. Oh, and she does not have a filter. Obscene language is as if you’re dealing with someone from Jersey. Then again, she has spent plenty of time in Jersey, so who knows? Maybe that’s where she picked it up. Underneath all of that wit and obscene mannerisms lies something quite genuine and pure; a girl with a heart of gold and all of the love to give. Her model of loyalty is dated back to how the Mafia treats family..just without the blood is thicker than water bit. To her, if she considers you family - regardless of blood - she will show undying loyalty and affection. Her heart will be yours and she will give you everything that she possibly can. When you really get beyond the tough layers, she is simply a girl trying to find love. She has been hurt before and maybe that’s why the outer layers are so thick, but through patience(which is very hard to have with Ava), you’ll get a friend to the end. Like the song goes… You got a friend in [s]me[/s] Ava. [/indent] [color=mediumturquoise]B i o g r a p h y[/color] [center]"[color=mediumturquoise]I'm not always a smartass. Sometimes I sleep.[/color]"[/center] [indent]They say looks can kill but did they also say the same about with? Dear Ava, the Crown Princess of the Greek-Italian joint Mob family, Mossos, is one who has both of these things. She’s as likely to slay you with one glance as she is to put you in your place with her unmeasurable wit. How could someone so innocent-looking be so dangerous? Well, let’s look at the facts, shall we? First off, she’s the twin sister of Columbia’s resident Womaniser. The Greek God, the Italian Stallion, the Mossos Man-Meat. These are all names that have been associated with Alexandros Mossos. And Ava? What about her? Well, there isn’t much to tell in that department. Apparently, unlike her family, Ava likes to remain under the radar. Still, nothing is out of my reach. It doesn’t matter which rock she hides under, no stone is left unturned when I’m on the case. But enough of that, let’s talk about how it was like for Princess Ava to grow up in her twin’s shadow. The great Alexandros Mossos always being talked about left and right and then you have Ava who, by all rights, was someone who just slid by. Where Alex succeeded, she also did - just not as much as her brother. Keeping a pristine reputation kept eyes off of her. Alex always made trouble left and right. She needed to make sure she was the good one. Especially since Eli loved to make things troublesome for everyone. Alexandros did too, but Eli had a way of undoing all of the proper things that Alexandros set in place. So you could imagine that Ava just tried to keep the peace. But what was she to do when things got really bad? This isn’t just speaking about a night out and causing trouble; this is the real deal, possibly incriminating bad. Oh, poor little rich girl, what she did there..is a story for another time. To make up for lost time, around her fifteenth birthday, Daddy’s Little Girl decided to adopt a persona of wit and sarcasm. One could say it was because she wanted to get some attention. Perhaps that was her original motivation, but this ended up proving to be Ava’s defining trait. Everyone in her family was all prim and proper in some capacity. It’s more or less like the opening to Powerpuff Girls: Sugar, spice, and everything nice. Everything you need to be perfect, but if you throw in something extra, and it really gets the buzz going. Ava is this something extra. Unlike her brothers, Ava has just a dabble of unexpected shade to throw into conversations. Like that? Well, let’s then get into how she’s avoided getting into trouble. Yup, that’s right! Ava Brie is a good girl. Her grades reflect as much. Not only that, but even when she’s going out, she’s always in by when her parents tell her to. Though, perhaps she’s a bit [i]too[/i] good? She might not know it yet, but my spies are onto her. We know your secrets, Ava Brie. We know about your rendezvous with your brothers’ best friends. We know about your pattern with bad boys. It’s just a matter of time before everyone at Columbia finds out too. If you think you can escape me, Ava Brie, you best think again. XOXO You know you love me, Gossip Girl [/indent] [/color] [/hider]