On the one hand, it looked like Ursaren and the troll were going toe-to-toe, and the bear person creature was finding himself on the back foot. On the other hand, the Elf Ranger had turned up at last, and was making a mess of the other Rogs... more importantly, though, the leader figure Sett was after was distracted for the moment, trying to stab and slash at the Skaylay to prevent him from approaching. Now was his chance! Possibly to die horribly and not realistically contribute at all, but also to perhaps kill the thing! By now, he'd wound up behind the Rog captain, practically between it and the rest of the army. He'd have to rely on luck and that miasma to ensure they didn't get him from behind... luckily, he was a man for whom good luck was quite prolific. Thus, he crept toward it, waiting for his moment... waiting... and... As the Rog swung its halberd forward, he leapt on to its back, latching one arm around its chest, and drove the dagger in his other hand into the creature's neck. As expected, some chainmail provided resistance, but since it was a dagger, it was practically designed to pierce between the rings, and once a solid stab had been achieved, Sett wrenched the knife round and across its throat, an effort to try and decapitate the beast, or at least mostly decapitate it, severing every major blood vessel in its neck along with its windpipe in the process. [@POOHEAD189][@The Fated Fallen][@Sypherkhode822][@Banana][@Fetzen]