Spellchecked, formatted and good to go. Hope you like her! [hider=Abigail Harlow] [hider=Appearance][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/150f36d2ab9135ef1400fd854c86805c/tumblr_oi51x4kjiA1uqfsrjo2_540.png[/img][/hider] [b] [/b]Abigail Harlow [b][/b] Abi, BBQU33N_95 [b][/b] Female [b][/b] 24   [b][/b] B.o.D Trainee/partner, working under Brooks Lockwood [b][/b] 12/17   [b][/b] 5’8” [b][/b] 125lbs   [b][/b] Abigail maintains an bubbly personality which is powered by her constant restlessness. Admittedly, she is jaded and somewhat pessimistic and in some cases overly cautious, but she still makes a concerted effort to keep her spirits up and boost the morale of the people she cares about. Abigail is very intelligent but still needs to work on her cunning and instinct. She tends to overanalyse a situation and become paranoid, making up a myriad of possible outcomes.   Living in zone Beta has made her into a bit of a smarmy bitch who’s sometimes a little too eager to take the piss out of other people and doesn’t show as much empathy as she should, but that side of Abigail is tempered by a good heart and her determination to do what she thinks is the right thing to do.     [b][/b] Abigail was born and raised in District 5. She was always one of those smart kids who got bored incredibly easily, to the point where her parents considered getting her checked for ADHD. As she put it, information retention was just incredibly easy for her - she remembered most of what she was taught and since she was disciplined to remain neat and tidy and organised, things that she needed to remember for later were always written down in notepads, highlighted and packed away carefully on bookshelves in her room. Her childhood was incredibly sheltered with a handful of upper-middle class friends and a couple crushes. Little Abigail initially thought she would find work in robotics, believing that there was a profitable niche in the market for medical robots to completely replace human doctors and nurses. Her future, though successful, seemed as dull as her education had been. She often related her early years to living in a gilded cage. She had everything anyone could ever hope for; a decent chance in life and the capability to go further, but she was never truly satisfied with what she was given. Something was always lacking. She was inescapably bored.   This boredom lead her to obsess over programming and robotic engineering as she poured all that pent-up frustration and restlessness into making and doing things to pass the time. Whenever coding an alarm clock just didn’t quite alleviate that feeling of restlessness, Abigail took to the gym. She especially enjoyed gymnastics and parkour, and made a handful of friends through her sporty endeavours. It was actually through her friends that she discovered her love for hacking - after a particularly messy teenage breakup, one of her BFFs tearfully asked Abigail to try and break into her recent ex’s social media accounts and find out who he’s been messaging, and it all snowballed from there. Abigail took courses in software development and used robotics engineering clubs as a bit of stress relief from the deadlines. She excelled, went through higher education, and then decided to rent out a dingy little flat in district 12.   Eyebrows were raised. Abigail played it out as if it was some sort of fucked-up gap year; she wanted to ‘truly experience what life had to offer’ and find her own way without the guidance (and plentiful bank account) of her family. In reality, Abigail was smart enough to realise that she could probably make twice as much money doing commission work and hacking into other people’s devices than working a fulltime job in the government as a security researcher. In this day and age, almost everything an individual does leaves a digital footprint - and Abigail was smart enough to connect the dots and tell her clients where their target is going to go based on their digital routine. She worked at this for around a year and a half, charging outrageous prices for relatively simple jobs and still managing to find desperate customers.   But eventually Abigail chickened out and retreated back beyond the wall, this time to put her skills to good use. With her intelligence (and her family’s influence) she began training for the BoD, hoping to become an agent and make a living by investigating crimes and assessing the security of law enforcement software. She underestimated what she was getting into when she requested to train under Brooks Lockwood in District 17, but nobody bothered to warn her beforehand. She’s been assigned to District 17 for 2 years now; whilst she’s still a bit wet behind the ears, she’s certainly starting to sober up and be exposed to the worst zone Beta has to offer.   [b][/b] All of Abigail’s hacking gadgets are immediately equipped with a remote self-destruct switch. Nothing fancy, it just causes the microchip/machine to short circuit. She’d rather sacrifice a smartphone than have her entire database hacked into. [/hider]