[b]Master Grey[/b] Master Grey continued to travel towards the sea, it didn't take him long to get there and when he did, he climbed into his own submarine. Just as he did however he witnessed a woman coming up from underwater with a strange creature and beginning to go towards land. That would be the one he was looking for. He fired up the sub and sped off towards her. He quickly got in front of her and then opened up the hatch. He came out of the submarine and spoke in a friendly tone. "Elemental Chosen One of water, I have been searching for you. There is much to discuss, but first let me introduce myself. I am Master Grey, creator of a long ago prophecy. 'When all hope is lost, eight children of destiny will be born under the elemental gods. Protected and hidden within the magically enchanted places of old. When the destined children intertwine, the tyrant king will fall. The ancient places of old. Said to be hidden and protected by magic. Only those destined allowed to pass through.' So I must ask of you, please come with me to meet the other children of prophecy before it is too late." He gave a small smile and held out his hand for her to shake. His old face showed nothing but kindness and honesty. He had found the Chosen One of Water so quickly, he had to find the others before they were found by the wrong people. [b]Co-post: Julia, Isabella, Seth and Slade.[/b] Julia continued to walk around until she saw a search party being sent by the King. Afterwards, she began to look around, and saw a fight being taken place. She stared blankly for a moment until the fight ended. Then, she looked towards Slade. Somehow, Julia just knew he was there even without seeing him. She stepped up to her for a moment and gave a small smile. "It isn't polite to listen in on people." She then walked up towards Isabella and Seth, still having the smile on her face. "My name is Julia, I am also searching for the Chosen Ones." The two looked to Julia before Seth turned to Isabella. "I am also willing to help look for the Chosen Ones. Call me Seth." Julia nodded to the two before pulling out a small hand held device to the other two. "Well luckily, I have knowledge of the Chosen Ones location, mostly. I have a hand held teleporter here. In my backpack I have collected a sample of each of the elements. Then, using the map of the world, added with the mystic water of AloĆ” I was able to create a map that gives me a small hint as to where the Elemental Chosen Ones were. However, I came here first because I would need others to help me fight off the Elemental King's army if I was ever caught while trying to find the Chosen Ones. The map is no where near as acruate as the prophecised Elemental Map, but it still works." Isabella and Seth stared at Julia amazed, that was amazing. It was then that Isabella gavea small little smile and rose her head up high. Her eyes glistened a little and she spoke in a confident tone. "Let's go find those Chosen Ones then, shall we?" Seth nodded and Julia looked to Slade. "Wanna come? I know you've been listening in." Julia smiled at him waiting for him to come to the group before teleporting everyone. Slade looked to Julia for a moment as she spoke to him, he didn't care though honestly and just ignored her. He continued to listen in on the conversation and what they were saying peaked his interest. Once Julia asked him if he wanted to come he let out a small sigh. If he went he would actually have to make some effort on the up side though things would get far more entertaining for him. "Yah, sure. Name's Slade." He walked up to the group with his hands in his pocket. All he could do now was wait until Julia used the device. With everyone ready Julia nodded. She held onto Seth who held onto Isabella who held onto Slade. Then with a press of a button, they all disappeared. With that they appeared just outside Detrot, where the Hazard Mines were. Julia looked around slowly before giving a small smile. "So, somewhere around here within a mile, is the Chosen One of Metal." Just then there was a huge explosion that destroyed the entire area. "My guess, whatever did that just now.....would be the person we're looking for." She stared at the destruction, she couldn't believe what had just happened. [b]Scarlet Overkill[/b] Scarlet was walking quickly with a few of the ground troops. Twenty of them to be exact. Every one of them were powerless, but each of them were well trained in sword combat and martial arts to ensure survival. Scarlet however was a force to be reckoned with. As she walked, she looked over head to see the air ships pass. She continued to walk, but immediately stopped when she felt a sudden burst of energy. She slowly looked in the direction of where it came from then spoke up to her men. "Change of plans boys." With that, she covered everyone in her own energy and teleported. It was then that she appeared in the middle of Detrot, well what was left of it anyway. Scarlet looked around slowly, She focused on all the energy in the area, and managed to find two energy signals not far away and quickly motioned for the King's guards to follow. As she reached the location of the stranger coming down from the fire escape she shouted at him. "By the order of the Elemental King, I order you to halt!" She closed her eyes and quickly used the mind link the Elemental King had created using his Light Elemental Powers, connecting the army together. 'Any available search party come to my location immediately, repeat, Any available search party come to my location immediately! I've found a VIP target.' It would come too obvious for Havok, that something was wrong very quickly as two airships came flying overhead within minutes, and just as they were flying over, the airships slowed down. Suddenly, soldiers jumped out from the Air Ships with ropes to support them, all landing in the surrounding area. When the airships were finally empty, there were 250 soldiers including Scarlet's team. Although, soldiers weren't much of a problem for a Chosen One, especially with a team nearby, ready to help. However, not only did Soldiers come, but so did twenty golems. Scarlet stepped out into the open and stared at him. The area was now completed covered. [b]The Elemental King[/b] After hearing the message from Scarlet, The Elemental King himself appeared in front of Havok. He gave a sinister smile before looking to Scarlet. After a moment he turned back to Havok. "So, care to tell me your name of the person who I am to kill? Or perhaps show me your face? Unless, of course you decide to join me in the Elemental Tower, to destroy a place that this, you must have some power. It would be welcoming to have someone like you work so close with me." He gave a sinister laugh before looking to Scarlet once more and spoke in a respectful manner. "I trust you, so I'll make you a deal. I won't step in, not yet. However if things don't go your way, and you start to lose the upper hand, I will have to step in myself." Scarlet nodded and the Elemental King stepped back. He stared at him, wondering if he would take the offer, although he honestly doubted that he would which was why he was prepared to fight. [@Pathfinder][@DracoLunaris]