Jideh heard footsteps behind him, and looked back to see a girl with crumbs all over her face. She was talking to him, so he decided the polite thing to do would be respond. "It is certainly a fine evening, for planting hydrangeas. Though the more I see of this place, the more certain I am that any seed you plant will grow far larger and faster than anybody expects..." Jideh hadn't meant to get all philosophical, but his mind was going back to the conversation he'd had with Dia and Zeke, as well as the fiasco at the fountain. The fountain towards which they were currently headed. "Did you see what happened today, at the fountain? After that, the rumours of a haunted fountain seem less farfetched. Even if they seem less farfetched because it's more likely that Headmaster Hargor will be there waiting to drench students." He smiled to himself, remembering his efforts to save that teacher with the oddly patterned underwear. And though he'd heard something along the lines of "don't use your powers" during the instructions for the race, he stopped in his tracks, knelt down and dug into the earth with his spade. He pulled a seed out of his pocket, checked to see that it was in fact the seed he thought it was, and then covered the seed with earth. "Tell you what, let's walk to the fountain and on our way back, we'll see if this plant's grown any?" [hr] Jordan was giggling to himself as he replaced the locks on his shed, checking and double-checking their security. He would've been making an "evil steeple" with his fingers but his hands were full, and he very much felt the maniacal mastermind in him was coming out. He'd bandaged his hands from earlier, and he wasn't having any trouble with his burden, quite the opposite. He felt light as a feather! A metaphor, as the weight on his back was colossal, but Jordan still managed to skip along the side-path towards the icky little kiddies running through the forest. He was disguised appropriately of course, wearing an oni mask he'd had lying around, and he'd changed clothes to be wearing a black body suit and blue scarves. "Soon enough, all will be revealed..." Jordan muttered to himself, shuddering with anticipation and grinning like a fox. ... ... ... Jordan was hunkered down, his gear good and ready, awaiting the next victim to come his way. The first face he saw pass under the colossal oak tree would be an unlucky soul indeed. Almost as unlucky as whoever ran into Kano, or Xavier if he was willing to get up to anything this year. Of course, he had no idea whether Catherine would be devising her own torment or if she had simply resorted to the boring safety committee. [i]Anything to keep up appearances Cath?[/i] Jordan wondered, but he thought he could hear footsteps and so he shifted his grip and stretched his sore limbs. [i]I'm ready! PREPARE FOR VENGEANCE KIDDIES![/i]