[quote=@Burning Kitty] I always thought of Jimmy as gay. I liked Rene Montoya as the Question (which may or may not had to do with meaning there were more superhero boobs to look at :D). The dude that was Question reminded me to much of a character from Dick Tracy. Ted Kord was kind of lame, he had the Beetle Scarab but never used it (at least from what I have seen). New Gods only good they brought was Apocalypse, otherwise they were boring. [/quote] I actually pictured a gay Jimmy since some of the more fashionable gay men wear bow ties. Get one of those kids from Glee and we're all set LOL I was more a fan of the original Question, but the fact you even know of Dick Tracy to compare him to gets you cool points! Ted Kord was cool to me cause was an inventor, he didn't need some scarab. The New Gods brought us so much more than just Darkseid and Apokolips. Mr. Miracle, Lightray, ORION, Takion... and as far as badguys there's the Furies as well as the bastard children of Darkseid like Kalibak and Grayven... [@Unknown100] I'm not really looking for anybody with a power set the length of Supergirl's. Players can use metas, but they have to limit them somehow. As far as Deathstroke and Ra's.... well... just wait till closer of the end of the opening arc. Batman RP's are a lot easier to insert some shock and awe into the plot than 99% of other games. ____________________________ Has anybody's CS got a magical based character? Remember we're gonna need somebody to bring the dead Robins back once we find the blade they were all cut with... ~KL~