[center][h1][color=a2d39c]Gerard Connolly[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/bcc243a2da7aa96d72e719ef947ec076/tumblr_nwmqycezmg1ube2bso5_400.gif[/img] [hr] [color=a2d39c]Location:[/color] Wyndham Manor [hr] [/center] Gerard waited while the constable took a look around the place, watching him look over certain areas of the room. The constable had to reconfirmed if nothing in there was indeed, taken. [color=a2d39c]"Aye. None that we know of. "[/color] He reaffirmed, at least he checked that nothing of value in the room was apparently missing. The constable then proceeded to ask him of the Wyndham's business matters, regarding who was managing whilst Mr. Whyndham's absence. [color=a2d39c]"That would be Ms. Millicent of course. She'd been watching over things, even before Mr. Wyndham went missing. "[/color] And Gerard could see that she was working deeply on what her father had left. Even if it was only to have the staff be payed, her kindness was limitless. And it was one of the many things everyone in the staff admire her for. After the night of investigation, the constable was finally done and noted to have them report if they ever find what ever is missing. Gerard gave him a short nod in reply. Before he took his leave he turn to Gerard, there was solemnity in the irishman's blue eyes at what he had said. [color=a2d39c]"I will, with everything in my power."[/color] he, assured him. Gerard had lost plenty close to him, those that gave him the love he thought was gone along with them. When he first met Millie, Gerard was distant. He never thought, or even wanted to have any sort of personal connection with her, or anyone for that matter in the first year that he worked on the Manor. But anyone would find it a challenge to not be drawn to a woman like Millicent. Before he even knew it, the woman had already made her way unknowingly into his heart, an eventful moment that had even caught him by surprise. After the constable left, Gerard now made his way to his own room by the stables to get something that would fix the broken window, trying to remember while on his way if he had some spare screws lying around there. Once he got what he needed he went back to the Manor, just like she promised Abby had left the door open for him. The room was scented of Milli and after a moment of pausing by the entrance, he paced towards the window and got to work.