[quote=@Bishop] Could I be a monk who achieved enlightenment when he turned 23 during one of his meditations? [/quote] Monks, regardless of their religion, are deemed as professional worshippers of the Angels, alongside priests, clerics, etc. (No pope though.) So you CAN technically make one. However, whether he achieves enlightenment depends on what you mean by enlightenment. If by enlightenment you mean breaking free of captivity by doing that, then no. These angels are ultimately spiritual beings, they can and likely will create their own form of enlightenment and Nirvana so as to keep them from doing. Theoretically, if they ever did reach enlightenment in this world's current state, they'd probably suffer from spontaneous combustion. That being said, considering hat progress will do to this world, having a monk that achieves "actual" enlightenment later on as the angels begin to lose their grip on the world, is not completely off the table. Still can't be one of the protagonists right now though. Also, I believe I mentioned this beore, but in case it slipped my mind: Multiple characters per player IS allowed in this.