[center][img]https://melodyoffire.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/circus.jpg[/img] [url=https://soundcloud.com/lizabethaird/tightrope-waltz/s-ARQtt]The Waltz[/url][/center] [center][indent][indent][color=ed1c24][h2]Before you lies the circus.[/h2][/color] It is still, the heavy canvas of its striped candy walls does not move at the force of wind blowing around you, pushing at you persistently from behind. The towering oaks to your either side bend their great backs to its power as if they pay homage to the sprawling mass of gaudy lights and garish fabric before them. Perhaps they know what you do not, oh naive child, that tonight as you feed your incessant drive for easily attained entertainment, you will graze the truly awe-inspiring. You will come so close to real magic that it will taint you, but in your simple ignorance, you will leave without actually discovering the dark mysteries within. One could even say that particular privilege of understanding belongs solely to the Ringmaster and his performers, and it holds them more securely than any prison. [color=ed1c24][h3]But you knew that already, didn't you?[/h3][/color] As easy as it may be to imagine the delight of those looking from the outside in, you won't forget the truth, you poor, trapped creature. The intoxicating magic of these stripped walls binds you more closely than chains ever could. [/indent][/indent][/center] [hr] So what I'm proposing is something like the Night Circus, if it was directed by the Phantom of the Opera and in a world where magic was not subtle and all imaginable supernatural creatures existed hidden among us. The characters would all be performers, while the mysterious Ringleader directs the running of his circus from afar, through occasional letters. I am open to someone creating a Ringleader character to work with me in the direction of the story. Who's interested?