Back into time. . . Matt watched Bastet in shocked silence. Would he have to fly a mission with that thing? Sure he had flown them to Treehouse, but now he would have to deal with Bastet during a high importance mission... Bastet, a beast which could not be caged, it seemed.[color=gold]"I agree with Jake, why the hell did you lock it up? Better off letting it on its own. Probably more calm like that."[/color] Matt said about the Duvari. Forward into time. . . Being the first to be ready to go, Matt took a small lesson on how to fly the Sky Hawk. He had flown so many aircraft before that he was already familiar with most of the controls, and the rest he learned easily. He took it for a test flight, in which nothing happened, meaning he was cleared to fly the craft. The guys who rebuilt the Sky Hawk were there and gave him a manual for their mechanic, which Matt was sure Rig would appreciate. After all was said and done, Matt went to find Rig. [color=gold]"Yo Rig, they gave me this manual on the craft. Doubt someone with your skills will need it, but here you go,"[/color] he said, handing him the thick manual. [color=gold]"I flipped through it, didn't understand half of it."[/color] He added with a grin, [color=gold]"that's why we have you eh?"[/color] Father into time. . . Matt climbed into the cockpit of the phenomenal craft which already held most of his teammates. They seemed pretty calm... the calm before the storm. He shuddered, running through his preflight checks. All read green, as he expected from a craft such as this, and the tower gave him the go ahead. [color=gold]"Alright crew, this is your captain speaking. Take off in ten."[/color] Ten seconds later, he brought the S'awk into the air slowly, swung the front around, and thrust off to their destination. [color=gold]"ETA is a few hours. Get some rest fellas."[/color] The flight went smoothly and he enjoyed the scenery which never seemed to get old. He probably had seen more monsters than most people alive. Luckily he wasn't a Ranger, or he was sure he'd be dead. He didn't know how these guys could keep going back out there, over and over, and stay alive. A beep brought his focus back to reality. His helmet's HUD showed clear skies as the report came in, however, that wasn't the case. Turbulence slammed the ship, turbulence from a storm which would have grounded aircraft, even those on a rescue mission. Only, there wasn't a storm. Jake's voice crackled in his ear and he answered it with a shout, [color=gold]"no idea! there's nothing around us!"[/color] He changed the comms to shipwide, [color=gold]"hold on everyone! Entering a dive!"[/color] The nose of the craft lowered to an eighty-degree tilt and then took off. A few seconds later the turbulence ended and Matt brought leveled the craft in a high G maneuver. Matt spotted a rocky clearing in the large trees and set them down there. He lowered the cargo ramp and extended the solar sails. Without a word he swapped his flight helmet for his combat helmet with a HUD and grabbed his other gear, as well as his SM8. Once done, he went to help set up camp.