[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170607/86625d97e36a73c14f9ac32c42a578f0.png[/img][/center] [@DragonKingUk] Madeline reacted first, stopping in her tracks and whinnying in surprise as a white-haired man suddenly fell out of the sky and landed in front of her. Amèlie quickly leaned forward and traced one hand along the horse's face, quietly whispering in her ear in an attempt to calm her down. It worked, and quickly. Once that was done, Amèlie quickly leaned back up, let out a quick sigh of relief, and began to examine the situation. She sized up the white-haired man and realized the situation quickly. The man worked for the King, and evidently he could fly, and who knew what else he could do. She hadn't even been moving a full day yet, and already this sort of thing was happening. This boded poorly. Amèlie weighed her options for a moment, then eventually decided that her best option would be to play dumb. But first, she subtly pulled from a well of power deep within her, closed her eyes and focused on herself -- pictured her body in her head and imagined it bending to her will. She couldn't make herself lighter, but she could shift her weight down slightly, into her feet. If she was lucky, that would have the same effect. If it came to it, Madeline might be able to carry her faster this way. That done, Amèlie opened her eyes again and smiled a charming smile down at the stranger. She laughed softly and gently manipulated the reins. Madeline quickly began to move again, stepping around the King's agent. [color=fff79a]"I'm sorry, sir,"[/color] she said in French, [color=fff79a]"but I don't speak English very well."[/color]