[b]Name[/b]: Kate Kane [b]Alias[/b]: Batwoman [b]Age[/b]: 30 [b]Powers/Skills: [/b] - Advanced hand-to-hand combat. Up there (or at least close) with the likes of Batman and Deathstroke. - Expert marksman - Unconventionally keen mind for strategy both in a fight and outside one. [b]Equipment:[/b] - A modified, advanced infantry armor. - Beretta 92 - Batarangs - Grappling gun - Retractable combat staff. - Small selection of one-off gadgets like: EMP, simple antidotes and a mouthpiece for diving or surviving toxic environments. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Human physiology. Underneath the suit and skills she’s just as vulnerable as any one. [b]Experience:[/b] 11 years in the military. 7 of which she has experienced actual combat. Besides that she has mastered most kinds of martial arts. [b]Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Personality:[/b] Haunted, serious and secluded. Cold, yet with a newfound optimism (because of Renee Montoya), she still hasn’t quite adjusted to. [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/481f/f/2017/059/0/d/batwoman_by_nebezial-db0r870.jpg[/img] [b]BRIEF Bio:[/b] Kate had always been a fighter, and there was no question she would go in her father’s footsteps and join the military, as soon as she came of age. Serving her country was the way to go. All the yelling and strict discipline made her feel right at home, yet she never lost her sense of humor. Life was good and hiding your sexuality wasn’t so bad when your body was asked to do push-ups until it collapsed. Then came war… The first friend Kate ever lost was to a roadside bomb. In 1 second an inferno of fire changed everything, and the feeling of helplessness crept in. Lying with her friend’s blood smeared all over her, Kate realized she wasn’t enough. She had been too laid back. Resting on her talents instead of pushing her limits to the breaking point. She had hid the fact that she was a lesbian, but no more. The following years, wars, and conflicts hardened Kate more than any man. Soon she yelled commands instead of taking them, as she charged into the heart of warfare. She never kept track of her medals only her spare time. Vacations meant exploring new martial arts and mastering new kinds of weaponry. One day she got home, she noticed something: It had changed or maybe she had changed and now saw it all. Corruption was everywhere. All the bad in people was right out there in the gutter. Was this really the home she fought so hard to protect? The place her teammates died for? Kate didn’t know so she just kept doing the only thing she was ever good at. Then one time, after a brutal ambush, Kate lost it. She didn’t just shoot back, she went on to exterminate and burn down the entire village, the enemy force was occupying. At least 70 men taken by the flames. This had never been her mission. And a part of her would almost be glad, if she got court-martialed. Instead her superiors threw another medal at her. Claimed Kate was a hero. That’s when it hit her that there was something fundamentally broken at the source. If society had shaped these old men who praised her, then she was fighting on the wrong side of the world. In her foolishness, she hadn’t seen that there was a man whom had already realized this fact long ago. The Batman. A lot of things happened after that: Kate donned the name Batwoman. A run-in with an officer named Renee Montoya blossomed into a relationship. And Kate managed to do what Nightwing had failed at for 8 months: put Black Mask behind bars and in a body cast. This is where her story begins. [b]How did you meet Batman:[/b] Following her return to society, Kate climbed the tallest building in Gotham: Wayne Tower. She unloaded her Beretta into the sky, and when Batman came they had a talk. The first real talk she had had in years. They decided she would make contact to a former associate of his in Bludhaven, and Batman left her with the words [i]“If you bring war to his city, I’ll be coming for you.”[/i] [b]Notes:[/b] Batwoman might be the one person most likely to see that Batman is hiding something. That something has gone terribly wrong, and this is the result of it.