[u][center][b]Canon: Word of the WorldWeaver[/b][/center][/u] [center][i]Ratified by: The WorldWeaver/Infamous Empath, Firstborn Son Ora/[@deyinger], Secondborn Son Rakk/[@Bishop][/i][/center] Before we begin IC, all players/Archons/Elyons must sign to ratify that they have read, understood, and agree to follow Canon. We may discuss it before you do. [center][i][b][1][/b] First, do no harm. [b][2][/b] Love all, but serve the WorldWeaver above all. [b][3][/b] Do not slander the WorldWeaver, nor anyone else appointed your leader. [b][4][/b] Regularly, there will be a festival to commemorate Creation. [b][5][/b] Honor your elders, caretakers, and guardians. [b][6][/b] Do not attempt to deceive. [b][7][/b] Do not covet another individual's personal belongings, status, or power. [b][8][/b] Do not take another individual's personal belongings without their consent. [b][9][/b] Do not rebel or defy the WorldWeaver. [b][10][/b] Do not destroy. We are a community of creators. [b][11][/b] We do not require food for sustenance, however, should someone choose to eat, only fruits and vegetables are edible for us. [b][12][/b] Do not violate someone else's property, home, personal space, or community.[/i] [/center] [b][u]Elaboration of Canon and its consequences[/u][/b] Since we are starting our story in a vacuum (both physically and personally), evil, death, destruction does not yet exist. We must create those things. The WorldWeaver and his two eldest sons (the three are members of royalty, called the Elyons) have created this law called Canon. Because we will first create a utopia, our laws are reflective of that. Most people assume that laws are just things people are not allowed to do, but there are some laws that, if done, are rewarded. Examples of these laws include 2 and 4. You may ask, "Ok, these are the laws of the Archons and Elyons, but how do people know if we've broken the laws, and how are we rewarded for following them?" Within the white void, each Archon and Elyon has a glowing body, like an angel. The glow dims when someone breaks the law, and intensifies when that person actively follows the law. Your character's shining body is reflective of the inward nature. So, if you are selfishly giving to charity for the sole purpose of getting promoted (not for the orphans), the glow will remain the same. It will not dim because the giving to the orphans counters the intent in the heart. That is just an example. Since this is a worldbuilding and [b]character developing[/b] exercise, it will be up to YOU, the player, to write in your IC posts whether or not your character's glow dims or increases. If for example, Archon Hannah thinks negatively about Archon Gavin, and it can be clearly read IC, you would need to reflect that in her dimming light. If I notice that someone consistently behaves, thinks, or speaks negatively without writing about their beacon of light's decline, I will either write it for them, or bring them into the white void of OOC to figure out what the issue is. Yes, the WorldWeaver is supposed to be all-knowing, but Canon was created for him too. He must follow the law, which means he cannot violate someone's mind by reading it. That doesn't mean I cannot do the same as a GM if you break the rules. There will be a fair hearing or trial for anyone who breaks Canon. A good example is someone who wants to eventually become an Archon dedicated to war. Surely Canon makes it impossible to bring destruction without losing some of your glow, thus being found out by the WorldWeaver, Elyons, and other Archons. Well, that's why this is a SLOOOOW BUUUURRNNNN RP. Develop your character realistically. Once we have an actual civilization of mortals, if you feel your character is sufficiently destructive and death-obsessed to instigate wars, go for it. But as I said before, there will be consequences and a trial. If the Elyons and Archons believe that a Minister of War is needed in the mortal realm, they may allow you to keep your position as war-instigator, with conditions of course. [b][u]Authority = Power > Powers/Abilities[/u][/b] This game will feature powers and abilities that can do mighty things, including creating and destroying life and whole worlds or universes. However, no individual superpower, no matter how much energy is behind it, can or will overrule a simple command from the WorldWeaver, and in most cases the Elyons. Authority here is more powerful than any ability. There is an RP I'm in where someone tried to negate a fallen angel's ability to nullify telepathy; in other words, one god-like character wanted to read my mortal's mind, even though my mortal had a fallen angel that prevents that. The argument was that her character was more powerful than both of my characters. Since this was a multiverse RP in which many characters showed up from various stories and universes, her character's pure energy could not overrule my fallen angel's lesser energy, because my fallen angel was the 4th or 5th most powerful being in all of MY universe, in both senses of the word: power in authority to rule, and power in physical energy. Because my fallen angel was the 4th or 5th strongest character in my canon, and because the angel had authority over nearly every evil domain in my story, there was nothing a more "powerful" character in another story can do. In fact, that's literally god-moding. Here, in this RP, we are experiencing the very beginning of my 15-year RP story, which I have recently named The Otherworlds Story, a vast RP that spans multiple worlds and timelines. In this story, The WorldWeaver is the father and creator of all, and because of that, no power or authority trumps his. By extension, his first and secondborn sons have near limitless authority as well. Not only do the Archons obey the Elyons, but should they attempt to betray, defy, or harm the Elyons, their physical powers would prove useless. And all of the Archons and Elyons are created with this knowledge. They are also created with the knowledge of the chain-of-command: no matter how many abilities they have, or how strong those powers are, they can never do any damage to the person above them. All of the Archons are equal, but the First Archon, which has not been created yet, will be the Archon of leadership. He's like the Archangel Michael; because leadership is his role, he naturally assumes the leadership position within the Archon hierarchy. However, his authority is not to boss around the other Archons in their specific aspects or domains. For example, the First Archon cannot tell Jaeper how to be funny, or Maia to take a message to another planet for him. Those orders come from the Elyons alone. However, if the Archons had to join forces in a war, or if they were uncertain how to proceed in a situation that they did not have experience in, The First Archon is in charge. And any defying of orders is reflected in a lessening of the Archons' or Elyons' glow. Below is the hierarchy. [center]The WorldWeaver/The King/Father The Elyons, Ora and Rakk The Archons, Jaeper, Maia (with the First Archon their captain as needed)[/center] [center] + + +[/center] [center][b][u]OOC Rules[/u][/b] 1) Don't be an asshole.[/center] [center][b][u]Final Character Profile[/u][/b] (place in OOC for approval)[/center] *Leave title/rank blank for now *Leave powers and aspect blank for now. *Appearing age can be anything; actual age is a fraction of a second (time moves differently for us; two IC posts can take a few seconds, while two OOC posts can take two days, or vice versa) *All Archons can shapeshift into [b][u]one[/u][/b] alternate form at will. Default appearance means what your Archon looks like in his or her natural form; the appearance the WorldWeaver gave the Archon when he made him or her. No giant tentacle monsters; must be humanoid/bipedal. must have a non-cartoon pic *Leave powers blank for now (repeated for clarification) *Each Archon has a distinct personality; there are no overly negative vices in your Archon. Your Archon can be prone to becoming frustrated or angry, but no "anger management issues", not yet. That stuff has to be developed. * Everyone except for two are Archons. Once we have 7 Archons, any future members will have to join as a lesser race of powerful god-like creators. [quote] *Aspect: Archon Name: Nickname/Alias: *Race/Species: Gender: *Title/Rank: *Appearing Age: *Powers: *Default Personality: *Default Appearance: [/quote] [b][u]Elyons[/u][/b] [@deyinger][@Bishop] [b][u]Archons[/u][/b] [@deerling][@rush99999][@Empress]