[i]You open your eyes for the first time... You see [hider=the WorldWeaver][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/0f24a216961470ee48432439e314a0a5/tumblr_omgk94qSbX1ulft4xo3_1280.jpg[/img] [/hider] smiling down at you, his creation. He embraces you in his massive protective arms of light and warmth. You feel the love of a proud father beaming into your soul. "Joyful greetings and brightest of first mornings to you, my child!" the ecstatic WorldWeaver declares in a...voice? He doesn't so much as verbally speak with his mouth, as he does telepathically. "I am the WorldWeaver!" Although pure white is around the WorldWeaver, and a near-blinding light shines from him, the environment around and behind you is pitch black, utter darkness. You realize that you are one of the first beings ever created, and the WorldWeaver has not even made a world yet, nor space or time or even light apart from himself! You are truly blessed. How long will this blessing last?[/i]