[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZWrE8lU.png[/img] Location: Atlantic Ocean Interacting with: Master Grey [@The One] [/center] Cthylla felt the metal vessel approaching long before it surfaced and slowed her great stead to a halt so that she could receive her guest. Only the foolish or the brave would dare attack The Old One with a vehicle so small, so she let it come closer so she could find out what they wanted. With the fog hanging in the air she could vaguely make out the shape of the man who emerged from the vessel, a human wearing long robes and seemingly unarmed. Not that that meant much when people with powers like her existed, but his non threatening posture and the friendly tone he used as he spoke in his native tongue suggested that he was not here to fight. Then he raised his arm towards her, perhaps in some kind of greeting. She was not sure. Cthylla walked down the head of the beast and the stepped barefooted onto the cold metal of the submarine. Her stride was one of someone trying their hardest to maintain a dignified composure despite never having walked anywhere before in their life. When she was close enough not to have to shout she said to him in a calm tone: [color=CFFFFF]”Ya ilyaa ee. Ya stell’bsna shugg-oth lw'nafh phlegeth”[/color] (I expect answers. I ask the native of earth to transmit information.) She noted that her voice sounded strange in the open air as she reached past the man’s outstretched arm and placed her palm against his forehead. She needed to get a better picture of a human mind, to learn the shape of their brains and to find where the different parts where so that she could more easily engage with them in telepathy in future. Physical contact helped her focus on this one specimen and block out most of the noise of the life around them. She pointedly held the great beast’s mind in her thrall at the same time and its mental presence could be felt looming behind hers, a mind vast, glacial and alien. She tried to make her invasion of his mind as unthreatening as possible, doing the mental equivalent of knocking at the door to let him know she was coming in. The first thing she realized was he was old. Very old. There was a lot of information in here and it was rather rigid in it’s structure. She would need a younger mind, where information flowed in and out more freely, if she wanted to absorb their knowledge rapidly. She could learn some things simply from glancing at his most pressing of thoughts. He knew what she was, he knew of the others she had yet to meet and he knew of the elemental king. These things were obvious, she did not evan have to dig in his vast pool of knowledge for those facts as they were at the forefront of his mind. She needed more though. She politely presented the man with mental queries of where the other chosen and the elemental king could be found. This was not through words but through ideas: the concept of place, the feeling of confusion and the surface thoughts he had of the elemental king and the chosen were all lumped together and his attention brought to this bundle.