Autharyx must still be settling back into his body, because his skin seems more sensitive than ever when Viltez' tail slips around him to pull him closer. The feeling that runs over his spine feels kind of like a shiver, only it's under the skin and leaves a pleasant heat wherever it travels. Viltez' pupils seem very large all of a sudden and the dragon's eyes can't seem to decide whether they want to settle on those eyes or his lips. It all feels terribly unfamiliar, which should be annoying, but somehow really really isn't. "I am well now," Autharyx manages, voice coming out a lot more breathy than he's aiming for. Viltez is right up in his space, lips and breath on his face and he will gladly let the bath grow cold if it means he gets to stay like this. Then the beast man leans back and Autharyx doesn't even think before moving to keep the distance between them as small as it was. He only has to lean down a little to fit his nose into the soft warm space beneath Viltez' ear and breath in deep. "Hmmm, you smell good," he says thoughtlessly, lips just brushing the skin and voice a deep rumble that's almost a purr. His brain catches up with his mouth a second after and he straightens with a jerk before he can give in to the instinct to chase that scent with his tongue. "Er, that is... Um, it's good to be back." He feels like this is probably the part where he should take a step back, but the tail is still around him and he doesn't want to start pulling it.