Alrighty! this is "Option Two" from my "Choices, Choices, Choices" interest check. This RP will be based on a DnD style system I put together but there's one very unique part about it... The Players Wont Know their Stats. This prevents players from forming a competitive nature over "Which Character Is Best", "Mine's Better Than Yours", or worst of all "Mine has the best stats" So important details for this will be down below, along with some rules and expectations. [hider=Rules:] 1: No Player Infighting; I know it's a lot to ask, but please, respect each other and respect each others differences. 2: Respect The DM; This kinda' a "Duh" one. I have to put up with a lot of people in my day, and I'm not going to deal with some disrespectful "idget". 3: Consider Why some things are "Recommended", "Not Recommended", and "Dangerous". Seriously, there's "gunna" be some things on that list that you [u][b]really[/b][/u] want to consider before you pick it, but if your up to trying to die, that's all you. [/hider] [hider=Expectations:] 1: Please follow the char sheet that will be provided at the end of the details, There's a lot of options and details so please, if your interested in this give it a good read before you try to make a Character. It could change your entire RP experience. 2: Due to the fact this RP has a DnD like system, you expect me to do some odd Dice roll explain post, wait for post level of nonsense. NOPE! No Dice, No Pen-and-paper, no BS. You get Stats that make you good at something, but you don't get to know what they are. 3: The only Rolls and Stats you Get to know is everyone's weapon and magical aptitude, these are the weapons and magic someone is NATURALLY good at and has a talent for, dictated by Race. 4: Some of my posts will be a bit longer or more detailed that normal for a Casual Roleplay, Don't be discouraged!!! I have to do this because there's a lot of detail that has to go into it being based on a DnD-like system. [/hider] [Hider=Races] Humans: (Flat 10) (Humans are used as the Average, they have a flat ten in everything.) (120 Years of Age is the max. Recommended 23 - 45 to be in your Prime) Dwarves: (NOT RECOMMENDED!) Surface Dwarves: Taller leaner dwarves Deep Dwarves more traditional dwarves Fortress Dwarves: Warhammer/Warcraft style Dwarves, broader built. (For all Dwarves 1K years of life is the max, UNLESS you are Wyrm Blooded, I will PM you if you are. 200 - 500 is Prime) Elves: High Elves: Snooty Elves. legolas style, Blond or white hair Arcanis Elves: Magic Based elves, pale and lean built. Elrond style,. dark or blonde hair (Standard DnD Elf that isn't Shiny snooty and golden) Ashen Elves: Edged features, very human like, with dark or red hair. (Recommended For Starters, Adaptive Race!) (Very Roman) Ritter Elves: Tall, Pale and rough featured, dark hair exclusively. Very durable (Teutonic Like people) Dark Elves: Dark skinned and tall. White hair (Non-traditional) (For All Elves, 1K is the limit, unless you are Ancient Blooded, I will PM you if you are. 200-500 is Prime) Hyphon: (Lizard men, They have the ability to spit a acid-like saliva. It acts like a volatile pepper juice when in the eyes or in a wound.) Very Tall and lean built. Most take a very raptor like appearance. (Recommended:Islander Race) (Aztec-Mayan Based culture, rule by might) (Hyphon live till they are around 550 years old, special Families like Grim-Maw and Young-Scale live Far longer, at 1500, and the prime for these people is between 200 and 300.) Canites: Canine people, they take the style of many BASIC and WILD dogs- No Pomeranian BS here. INCREDIBLY high jumpers a good 10-25 Feet 'Barbarian' cultures, Based on type of Canite (I.e desert canine types are Arabian, Forest loving canines have a more Germanic or similar culture) (Best with spears due to that massive jump) (120 is the max, unless you are of house White, Which you are not, and Cannot Be. 20 - 45 is the prime) Examples: Wolves: (Like a werewolf, but Lean, built for Speed) Jackal: Small, dark furred. Fox: small charming, and fluffy Servites: Feline People, Wild Cats with the Exclusion of lions and Tigers. (Includes Fisher Cats, and Panthers) (Not Recommended: Environmental) (they have an Arabian or Jungle based culture) (120 is the max, 20 - 45 is the Prime) Drakonii: Dragon people, Draconians but more human than Dragon. (Scales will cover the Shins, Upper legs, Upper arms, and lower Back. Tails and Wings are there.) (Not Recommended: Difficulty spike for party Per) High Western Style culture + Gladiatorial and military nature. Matriarchal. (Preferred Axes.) They live near indefinitely, and are in their prime from the age of 300 and up. the max age playable is 300, not including in rp aging.) Third-Blood Sorroak: Think Half Giant + human offspring. Tall, Massive build, of great musculature, Can Not Swim. Incredibly durable and strong (Not Recommended, Difficulty Spike) Heavily Nordic based culture. (HAMMERS. FOR. DAYS.) They live near indefinitely, are in their prime from 200 and up, the max age playable is 200, not including in rp aging. [/hider] [Hider=Magic Aptitudes] Magic will be Discovered and "Earned", based on the situation, you may Ask for a specific type of magic, but do not be upset if you do not get Exactly what you want, you will at least get something that functions Similar. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: (Try to make it Era appropriate, thank you. If you need help, ask!) Race: (try to pick from one of the ones above, Or if you REALLY want to drag one it, ask me. We'll talk in PM) Gender: (Should be easy to tell, but go ahead and put it here anyway because screw being an unknown gender) Age: (Keep it Reasonable) Physical Description: (Please, No pictures, due to the many hand crafted races, Pictures will just make people assume that's what the entire race looks like....) Magic: (Note Weather you Want it or Not) "Class": (You will receive this upon being accepted, so you can have a mental note how your chars capabilities, if you can think of one More Appropriate PM me, we will discuss it) Inventory: (Keep the following items, as I will add in your starting items Now, KEEP THIS SECTION UP TO DATE, I'll be watching... It would really suck for that live saving potion to mysteriously not be there because someone forgot to include it in the inventory. . . . ) (PLEASE REMEMBER TO REMOVES ITEMS THAT DON'T NEED TO STAY!!!! x1 (your choice of: Basic Steel Sword/Spear/Axe/Hammer) x1 (Your choice of: Heavy/Medium/Light Leather Armor) (Heavy leather is Quilted Cloth and Leather Armor, Medium is Studded, Light is Plain or thin leather armor) x2 Basic Healing Poultice x2 Basic Stamina Potions Backstory: (A brief Easy to work with backstory, Some races you will have a Special Backstory) (In Example; Humans could be a "Member of the Vathian Order", Trainee Dragon Slayer Ashen Elves could be Air Ship Sailors Ritter Elves could be Trainee Cold Knights, The elite Knights of the Ritter elf kingdoms, Drakonii could be Recruited Blood Knights, Trainee versions of the Drakonii Elites. Vikings are a thing! Hyphon can be Exiles, or even wandering Merchants! (Hyphon Merchant Mean Merchant... you make bad deal? Hyphon Remove Face!) ASK ME IF YOU WANT TO BE A SPELL USER AT THE START!!!! (Remove Anything that does not fit your char) [/hider] With that, that's most of the details needed to start. Starting post will happen when 3-4 people have made a char, when the RP starts until a player leaves this RP will be marked Full. - Additional info for Races will be given if Asked for. I decided to dial it way down to make it Easy. I figured not everyone would want to know every races Culture, and who leads each race, and more.