Rig spent enough time, with enough distance away from Bastet and subsequently Isis, that he had become...accepting of the beast. By no means was he going to pet it or even talk to Nasari while she was with it, but at least he didn't feel like bolting when he looked at it. Something he was doing frequently. He would switch from watching Matt fly with interest, and watching Isis defend her hell-beast with. With... Contempt wasn't the right word, that wasn't Rig's style. Nervousness? That was certainly part of it. He didn't want to dislike the woman for her connection with the thing, but he can never pull the negativity separate from the creature. As Matthew brought the Hawk down, he approached rig. Offering him the given manual. [color=0072bc]"Oh thank you! This is great!"[/color] Immediately swept into the pages he didn't even have time to act overly humble in response. He just nodded and hummed a response. Before takeoff he would take another diagnostics view. Looking over every part of the ship, being as thorough as possible while not wasting precious daylight. After giving the green light to match the on deck operators, they were in the air. [hr] Making sure to seat himself as far away from Isis and Bastet as possible, Rig was flipping through the manual to the craft. He wondered if he would get to keep it after they got back. Or...If they got back. He looked up from his reading to sigh at the thought. Looking to the group he was with, he wondered what they were all thinking. How often did they give into these thoughts as well? Sure he had things in check most times, but every excursion was a different swath of threats. Just as he opened his mouth to try and a get a word out the gang, a wave of force battered them. Soon the coms exploded with chatter on what was happening and down they went, avoiding the invisible tendrils that had licked their craft so viciously. Rig's fear for dying to a beast, whether Bastet or otherwise was thrown out the window, with his fear of being thrown out the window taking place. Soon enough though they were on the ground. And after a few deep breaths to regain his senses, he was on his feet outside. He assisted in setting camp up, and quickly went to run another look over the ship, make sure things weren't damaged by the ordeal. After everything checked out okay he sat near to Matt at the fire. [color=0072bc]"Hey, damn good job not letting us die up there."[/color] He paused with a smirk. [color=0072bc]"Any idea what went on? It didn't appear to be a hardware error."[/color]