The show was positively glorious. Beyond glorious! It was down right wonderful! Reemes had been taken from his stare at the wolf to watch the whole thing unfold. The magic, the illusions, the trapping, the pain, oh, it was just peaches and cream. He was laughing like a complete loon when the situation turned sour. First was the floating Dyn who was grumped up to the greatest degree Reemes had even seen him. He was looking at Koan with all of his terrible eyes and touching her with the dangles he used for hands. Giving her a proper little lecture. Obviously, this was also humor to the mad ghost. He did start to casually walk over as the wolf set itself down and explained the problem with a great deal more control than he would have expected after being struck by lightning. Reemes was patting his leg and about to speak his own piece to not only the wolf but also the barbarian who had tossed the poor carved up lass to the deck. This was cut thankfully short with a sudden gag of water that quickly turned to ice over his gobber. Reemes jerked his head back in surprise and touched his face feeling the ice that now silenced him. He turned and glared daggers at the horned sorceress who had afflicted him so. He planted one of his hands on his hips and listened to her talk to the wolf. Obviously, they were talking about him. Why else would she want to keep him from speaking? They were over there chatting it up talking all about just how much he was causing problems or something else maybe even more dastardly, like how he almost missed a shot earlier. "Mereph k-trreph Mhp hooret." The pirate said raising his hand and rolling his wrist in gesture at the two of them. "Greh hooreph freph tret?" he asked with a shrug and as he mumble true incoherence through the magical gag. With all of that said and out in the open. It did feel good to finally have all of that off his chest. Now, back to the situation at hand. The jester on the ground and the drake boy stepping on her. Nemiea could gossip with the over-sized frozen dog all she wanted. the thing hadn't even apologized to his Wet Bitch after all. What did he care if the thing was so rude. Reemes stepped over to the dragonborn and placed his right hand on his shoulder as he drew his pistol with the other hand. He gave Garnesh a completely invisiable smile and nodded to him, "grephta heff gaehhta haph grephnnnn hak." he explained with a simple sigh through his nose as he finished. He looked down at the pinned half-drow and gave her a wink. There, the situation had been defused.