Aro watched as the two eevees seemed to play as if nothing else mattered, he smiled. "Yeah, I guess Riley was right about them." Aro bent down and sat next to his new friend. "Hey you! Looks like your going to be coming with me but don't worry I won't split you up from your best friend over here" he giggled and the eevee jumped up at him. It was a female eevee, he could tell by the markings. He glanced up at Kjolmar who had suggested they give the pair names. "Oh that's a good idea. I think I'm going to name you Belle. That seems rather fitting" the eevee bounced around at its new name. Kjolmar introduced himself to his own eevee and Aro caught a small detail that threw up a lot of questions. Kjolmar seemed really reluctant to let out his last Pokémon, Aro was intrigued but thought best not to ask. As if by chance, to break the silence Professor Rowan ran towards them screaming of his lost research. "Were on it Professor!" Aro said as he glanced at Kjolmar and nodded. "Let's head towards the mine, I'll have a look at your egg on the way over." Aro rushed off hastily after returning Belle to her ball, Luna followed close by. In the time Kjolmar was catching up, Aro began to speak to Luna. However it wouldn't have mattered if there new friend was there or not. Aro and Luna had reached such a bond that they were able to read one another's thoughts and feelings. Even one watching them walk now could notice the same footstep pattern, the same body language, these two were as close to being one person as they possibly could be... or so they thought anyway. [i]"Why do you think Kjolmar won't bring out his other Pokemon Luna?"[/i] Aro asked [i]"I know why and I also what it is, I have done since we met him"[/i] Luna answered. [i]"WHAT? Why don't I know? What is it?"[/i] Aro was baffled by his partners response. [i]"It's hard to explain, but its because I have the pokemon half of us, likewise there are things only yourself as the human part of us can do, but we will get to that soon Aro don't worry. Dont lose focus over our task at Oreborough Mine."[/i] Luna smiled and tried to calm his friend for the upcoming showdown ahead. [i]"gggggrrrrlll"[/i] cried a faint noise. The pair looked at each other. It sounded like the growl of a young pokemon. Aro got out his egg from his bag and put his ear to it. Was it his egg making that noise? Both Luna and Aro gathered round to wait for another cry. [i]"Grrrr...GRRRR"[/i] The cry sounded again but this time Aro and Luna were more confused. The sound didn't come from Aro's Egg, it came from the pathway behind them, as they looked down the path they saw Kjolmar running towards them down the entrance tunnel to Oreburgh Gate cave. The only pokemon Kjolmar had out was his Noibat and it wasn't the same cry. Then as Kjolmar came closer Aro and Luna both saw a faint glow surrounding the egg, not vivid enough to spot in one take, but there all the same. Kjolmar who seemed oblivious to both the noise and the glow, both of which had stopped as he got close, smiled at his friends ready. "Erm... Sorry for leaving you back there buddy, i guesss i got carried away with myself. Are you ready to get this research back for the Professor?" Aro said sportingly, as he put his egg away.