[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Viranti[/color][/h2][/center] [@Darkmoon Angel] Excited with the anticipation of battle, Viranti stormed outside, luckily not hitting anything with his unsheathed sword on his way out. He could hear the loud mechanical inner workings of GX behind him, meaning that Crabby and likely Michele weren't too far behind, a thought that only quickened his pace even more. As the bright glare of the sun dissipated, he caught sight of the gaggle of aggressors, or at least some group of armed individuals with unfamiliar armor that looked an awful lot like people he wouldn't necessarily be jailed for attacking. And in the state he was in now, that was good enough for him. Viranti rushed forward to arc his sword across a couple of mooks to drive them back, just as the purple war machine fired upon some other assassins. [quote]A rather sneaky bandit had maneuvered around Viranti and had slashed at his back to try and bring down the large dragon warrior. [color=a2d39c]"I'm gonna make a nice pair of boots out of you, lizard!"[/color][/quote]Leaving a large, nearly claw-like gash across their armors, the dragon's legs tensed up for a follow up attack to finished them off before taking notice of a speedy bandit that had maneuvered behind him. "[color=ed1c24][b](Livid Growl) That right!?[/b][/color]" The blade came inches away from Viranti's back before a leathery tail brushed his arm to their right. As the bandit reeled to the side, the dragon's left leg, along with his entire body, came around to rest on or near his attacker's head. His foot's claws effectively gripping the head, his leg pulled upward before cruelly stomping and smashing the bandit head-first into the ground (or maybe the courtyard path), dust and heated air pushed away. "[color=ed1c24]Not from where I stand...[/color]" he retorted in a low growl before a magical aura enveloped him. "[color=ed1c24]What is this?[/color]" he muttered, confused at his new state, but feeling invigorated by it. [quote][color=fff79a]"Everyone be careful! Whoever these goons are they're not after the queen!"[/color] [/quote] He was even more perplexed by this, though kept his attention at the attackers. [color=ed1c24]What could they possibly be after if not the queen?[/color] he wondered, though ultimately thinking it unnecessary. [color=ed1c24]Heh, They will all be ashes soon enough anyway[/color]