Legitimate bitch: People who plagiarize. For years I RPed with the same guy, and at least 50% of the words he "wrote" came from somewhere else. Songs, dialog from movies, sometimes entire scenes were pulled and injected into the roleplay. He actually had the gall to rip the opening IC post from an RP on THIS FORUM and posted it in his own RP. Word. For. Word. He just changed a few names was all. Obviously the rp went in an entirely different direction, but still! And don't get me wrong, copying a single line phrase or a meme can be funny every once in a while, but using rips like that for dramatic effect is just... cheesy. He even had the nerve to ask me "how was that?" every time he did this. Did he think I didn't know how to google? Some of you are horrible rollplayers. But at least your words are your own.