[@Letmehaveone2] Mazzilyn shily nods her head and looks back to see all of commotion behind her before running back to Dracul and Jirah confused. [@Overlord Thraka][@Blueflame] [color=f7941d]"Yeah so what? I'm probably way older then you. Your just a little nit wit looking to get it's butt beat into a pulp. How about you not threaten my friends amd you can get yourself murdered and energy drained or you can continue and I will drain you."[/color] Dracul slowly stands up showing off his hieght of 7 foot 4 inches and softly growls from his perch death staring Jack and his odd doll Mazzilyn back away confused not wamting to be dragged into all of this and stand back watching has fear just filled her eyes never seeing Dracul act like that. (Oh jeez.... i missed a lot.. wow... umm shoot okay)