Fixer was about to reply to the questions that came at machine gun speed but just as fast as the topics were said, Comet was gone. He rubbed the back of his head. Well now. That was rude. Though he does remember Comet saying something about people thinking he was a dick. He sighed before raising his mask a little bit again so that he could sip from the glass. He should probably get those face masks like the ones burglars use. If he was wearing his uniform, then he wouldn't be mistaken for a villain. Or maybe a custom made mask would be better. His eyes traveled around once more. Comet was apparently talking to Dragon Heart. He spotted Officer Teagan too. Somewhere. He doesn't remember now though. How saddening. He gulped the entirety of what he was drinking before placing it on a passing waiter's tray with a small 'thank you'. He then stood up and let out a out a sigh. Well, no use on just sitting around, he guessed. If he can't enjoy the food, then he should just find someone to talk to and pass the time. He scanned the area. No use going to his teammates. Those guys were busy drinking. So he settled for roaming the area. First guy he bumps into means first interaction. "Fixer, enjoying the party?" His eyes trailed to Chief Jerry himself. He was holding another glass. "Somewhat sir. Can't drink with this in the way though." He tapped on his mask and then they both shared a chuckle. "Anyone you suggest to talk with?" Fixer asked, looking around. He was sure that the Chief wouldn't hang for the rest of the day with him and even if he was willing to, he didn't know which topics he should open up. "There's Vice over there." The Chief gestured to the teen. He swirled his cup. "You should be familiar with him. You know, officer in training for the ECPD." Fixer followed where the Chief was gesturing and saw the teen. He nodded. "Oh yeah. Mr. Hotshot with the flaming arm." He felt the Chief somewhat glare at him and he almost choked on himself. Why the hell was the Chief doing that? He loosened his collared shirt as he felt sweat trickle down. "I'll, uh, go now." He quickly escaped the Chief and headed towards the Vice. He wasn't expecting that kind of reaction. But it was true. Epic City's new powerful Epic hero, Vice. He was the talk of the reporters before because of his display of power. Everyone was impressed. His gift was said to come from the High themselves - a gift, one could say. Maybe that would be an interesting topic to talk about. "Should you really be drinking at such a young age?" Was the first thing Fixer said as he approached the teen who was about to sip from the champagne he was holding. "I'm not going to stop you but I'm warning you that you might get addicted. Alcoholism is a real problem you know." He said as a joke. He wasn't sure if the teen was big on jokes but hopefully he was. [@RoflsMazoy]