Corhog walked into the building with the loud sound of his metal feet clanking against the floor. Corhog hadn't been out of his home 'town' for ages and would probably still be there if not for that one trespasser that had come onto his land and and met his match at the hands of Corhog with a message in a backpack he carried inviting Corhog to a meeting of sorts. Corhog was thrilled when he got the message and began walking as fast as he could which took him quite awhile but eventually he got to the building. As he approached the room he heard voices inside but he ignored what they were saying and decided to enter the room. He saw three unsavoury men in the room along with a small Siren girl "Corho- I mean [b]I[/b] got a message saying to come here? Did you al get the same?" Corhog asked. Years of isolation in his 'Town' made him refer to himself in the third person and impaired his grammar which most found a little unsettling so he was trying to correct himself. As he looked around at the people he noticed one of them had a digistruct slag collar "you have trained skag?" He asked.